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Beast children - marriage


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Is it possible for someone to make a mod that adds beast children? Like orc/khajiit/argonian children? I'm not a moder but I thought it'd be a good idea that if you're married you'll be able to have kids. I'm an orc with an orc wife I'd thought it'd be fun to be able to have children. Maybe every time I sleep at my house my wife to conceive a child with a percentage.


But let me guess. Not without the creation kit?

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Well you can make beast children without the creation kit. Adding quests scripts and dialog for them and the parent/s is another matter.


Once the kit IS released it will be much easier.

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  • 11 months later...

Yet, a year later, it ain't


I have tried and don't know how this could be done.

And I really hope it will, because it think it's a huge lack in thi game - non human children that is.


Please someone, do a non human children mod!!

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