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How are waves transported in vacuum ? noone can really come with hard facts :)
Through electromagnetic fields of particles that produce them, like photons.


The string theory isnt proven at all. And particles below the size of Protons, Neutrons, etc have been observed, that was the whole reason behind the LHC, to obseve what has been theorized.


Its still about facts, thats why you dont see any good scientist claiming that he knows exactly what happened in the big bang or what will happen to the universe.


You're pulling a Bill O'Reilly "You can't explain that" with things that you just dont know.

Edited by eltucu
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How are waves transported in vacuum ? noone can really come with hard facts :)
Through electromagnetic fields of particles that produce them, like photons.


The string theory isnt proven at all. And particles below the size of Protons, Neutrons, etc have been observed, that was the whole reason behind the LHC, to obseve what has been theorized.


Its still about facts, thats why you dont see any good scientist claiming that he knows exactly what happened in the big bang or what will happen to the universe.


You're pulling a Bill O'Reilly "You can't explain that" with things that you just dont know.



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Ok , basicly what i meant in my post is that whenever sciene can't explain something , thats when i start looking elsewhere for explanations.


Now do i beleive in spirits ?? let's just say i do have doubts that spirits do exist . Do i have hard proof about it ?? no i don't . Will i try and convince everyone that they do exist ?? no i won't . Why ?? because i can't prove it .


I never said that science had the answer to everything . I did say that when science claims something , it brings proofs to support the claim. And usualy proofs will make a claim a lot easier to beleive .


Now someone said that i took science as my religion . LOL not at all . I'm not even close to be a scientific nor to worship science. In fact , in many cases , i simply don't care . As far as i'm concerned , the world could go back to medieval times where people knew nothing about modern science and i'd be perfectly happy .


Everything i said in my first post was related to the video and nothing else. I was talking about Clouds lol. I brought the argument about science because science did study clouds and the process of how clouds are formed has been covered many many years ago . And the fact that people mistake a cloud for a spirit is simply beyond me .


Now am i going to be rude with those people who do beleive in Sylphs ? no i won't unless they try and convince me that their beleifs is the only real truth and stuff like that. I'm sorry but as we pretty much all agreed , beleifs are personal. Those people CHOSE to beleive in Spirit clouds, fine by me . In that case i CHOOSE to NOT beleive . Is that fair to everyone ? seems only fair to me .


I did see a comment on Youtube where a women said , Ignorance will be ignored. as if non beleivers were ignorants. Well i'm sorry but in that case , if i'm gonna be called an ignorant for calling a cloud a cloud , then what exactly does that make her ?? Considering she basicly talks to clouds ??


Anyways , again i had no intentions of offending anyone , since everyone pretty much agreed that beleifs are personnal , i'm prefectly ok with that .

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When you date a girl who literally believes she was Jesus in a past life (oh and also a vampire, a wolf, an alien, the list goes on) and is the current incarnation of some new-age goddess figure, you start to get pretty skeptical. Those are pretty clouds, though.
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The whole `it's not proven by science, must have been a wizard` theory doesn't hold much water yet either- science has been around properly for a couple of thousand years, and even then the real revolutions have only happened in the past few hundred- just because we can't explain it right now, doesn't mean a wizard did it!
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