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3rd Person Camera Overhaul


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A mod that overhauls the third person camera to something like the Witcher 2, Assassins Creed or Lord of the Rings: War in the North.

What i mean by that is a centered camera, with an autoaim crosshair to enemies you target. Once you target the enemy, you will attack that enemy only.

Of course, bows would still have normal aim, the auto aim camera only applies to melee.



- Lord of the Rings

- The Witcher 2

- Assassins Creed Brotherhood


As you can see, in all of the examples, there is target system that works.

Of course, it wouldn't all be automatic.


For instance, there are two mages that you want to kill. One to the right, and the other one to the left.

If you look to the left, the autoaim would automatically switch to the left.


Another important thing would be connecting the attacks.

One awesome thing about those three games, is that you can jump from target to target because there are connecting attacks animations.

Like a jump animation that reduces the distance between the player and the target, and lands an attack.




Well, that was it.




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