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Any Comic Book communities out there?


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Ok so I've been working on my comicbook for almost a half a year now and I'm thinking about posting it somewhere where I'll get commented sufficiently to the genre.


The comicbook is amateur, and by amateur I mean REALLY amateur. You can risk watching it here (it gets better from about 10th page): http://galejro.deviantart.com/art/Rider-of-Death-Vampire-the-Masquerade-Caine-273943641


Yes I know it's in my native language but I'll translate it to english if you give me an english language portal, and I'd think twice before giving a link for manga cause people say this is NOT manga.


Byłem już na kreskowka.pl dział moja manga ale ludzie mi gadają, że to nie manga tylko coś ... innego


take a peek and see:



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