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The Companions questline?


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Even if we were to assume that TES Werewolves were strictly based off the real myths (which they aren't, not by a long shot) you have to consider there are dozens of variations of the Werewolf myth all over the world. From feral, half man abominations to full shape shifting to wise and benevolent animal spirits, Werewolves manifest in human mythology all the time. Theres not even any 'right' means of becomming a Werewolf or how the transformation works.


Anywho, you can refuse to become a werewolf, but it makes it so you are unable to progress any further in the Companions quests untill you do. I've also heard it makes it so Skjor, Aela and so forth permenantly stand there in the Underforge...

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We have to be careful when we say we want to roleplay by avoidance, because we usually miss an opportunity to actually roleplay.


If you wanted to avoid the whole Werewolf thing you'd have quit the Companions quest-line long before you ever stepped foot in the Underforge; i.e. once Farkas transformed in front of your eyes and realized that all your Shield-Brothers were something you despise. That fact is forced upon very early in the Companions questline - something kept the roleplayer in you going, what was it? Tap that and run with it.

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I'm playing as a Khajiit; so following a questline to turn into a dog..................seems kinda stupid. I 've played up to where Farkus and I had to dungeon crawl so I could retrieve a "whatever" for the companions ; then switched over to the main quest line. Which also makes no sense for a non human character................not sure if I'll play though it either. Need to pick a human character on my next play through.
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Its not so bad being and playing as a were, however I chose the cure, so I could get a well earned sleep and to see if the wet dog smell quips go away.

You can still be leader, but I did expect from Kodlaks journal that I could have at least offered Farkas this cure as there still is one head left.

I have yet to return to Jorvaaskar as I keep getting sidetracked and I had to do Sarthaal.

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