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Civil War done right


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In my playthroughs I never really have any empathy for either side. Either the Jarl's are inept, or they are corrupt. The only exception is Balgruuf. He's decisive, willing to fight, and in Ulfric's words, "A true Nord" He alone out of everyone else involved in the Civil War quests shows not just those virtues, but any at all. Riften - Inept or corrupt. Windhemlm - ahole, or non-entity. Markarth - non-entities. Solitude - inept or corrupt. Dawnstar - Who cares? Falkreath - inept or paranoid. Winterhold - doesn't matter. Morthal - nobody cares. I'm not even sure which side Morthal's on.


So, I don't want to side with either side in the Civil War. I'm asking if it is possible for someone to make a mod that puts the Dragonborn on Balgruuf's side? I was thinking that if Season Unending happens, then the player could make a statement to Balgruuf that they stand with him. Then all of the Civil War quests from both sides would need to be completed. Maybe Balgruuf could take the throne outright, or marry Elisif. Maybe let her rule, and return to Whiterun.


I don't know if any of this is possible, I just switched over to the pc version of the game from the 360. I've just seen so many great mods, I thought I'd ask if this could be done. I'm just at the stage of using the ck to put a chest of stolen goods in the ragged flagon to make the thieves guild jobs easy. Didn't work. Still learning.

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