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Weird Visual *Lighting Dupe* Bug


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I'm not really sure how to explain this, but for some reason, after i look at something a certain way, my screen will flash and then i will permantly see that frame faded into the background for no reason at all and it is very annoying when i try and play it. Does anyone have any idea of what it is, or is it a really obvious thing which i am just a moron for not figuring out?


Edit: I am meant to be looking at 4 Concrete Blocks.

Edited by Davikiin
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I've seen this issue crop up on the forums numerous times, so it's not an uncommon thing. Could you share your system specs, and mod-list/load order?

It could be an issue with your graphics card being underpowered, so that information will help to rule those things out as possible culprits.

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