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Need help with armor

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I'm spending quite a lot of time creating mashups of Fallout 4 armor mods and I've ran into a Problem. I created a new outfit today and I wanted to open it in Outfit studio to remove clipping parts, but it keeps crashing when I try to open it. Since I'm not very experienced with modding myself I thought I'd just ask here, really hope someone can help me.


I uploaded the NIF under this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Jmg6Q00sxXUkFNWGswelVIeFE


Thanks in advance for any answers, really appreciate it :)

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Well, for starters it's using "BSSubindexTrishapes" instead of "BSTriShapes" ... Try using the "Block --> Convert --> Bethesda" function on them (Using Nifskope 2.0 Dev Alpha Rev 6)


You also have static/workshop object "Connect Points" in the mesh which will most likely cause issues as well, So I'd remove those.


You should be able to use Outfit Studio with those changes and then re-apply your .bgsm file paths to it in the "properties" tab in OS.


Hope that helps :)

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Nope, didnt help unfortunately, still get crashes. The Connect Points are in the Source-Outfits too and dont cause problems there, and literally every Armor mod I have uses SubIndexShapes. I removed the Connectpoints anyway and converted the shapes, still same result ;(

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You can export all your outfit parts as OBJs and then open them in OS--OBJs should have no issues. You will have to reapply/copy all the bone weights and fill in the material pathes again.

Edited by Nutulator
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