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ENB Pointers Please


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I was wondering if any ENB pros out there could give me some points.


While ENB makes the game look gorgeous close up, it just looks awful at extreme distances. In vanilla, the far horizon gets faded out with fog, while with ENB you can see unhindered to infinity and everything looks rather stark, grey and bare. I've tried tweaking various settings in enbseries.ini, but so far nothing's helping.


To illustrate what I mean, here are a couple of screenshots:



















You can see that the foreground looks way way better with ENB, but the distance just looks awful. I tried increasing fog intensity, and you can see that it just boosts "physical" fog, and not the atmospheric fog which obscures the distance.

Edited by xrws31
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err, you pic didn't show up


and ENB distance is depends on your location, go near Riften and see to distance, since Riften full with fog so you will see that it faded

check this out for ENB view Distance



the distance view is depends on your the place you standing so I guess ENB is better


Edited by Lastito
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Did you open the spoilers?


And thanks for the heads up on how location affects view distance, wasn't aware of that. I've just about managed to tweak fog to an acceptable level, but I still can't get fog to hide lakes / rivers / the sea, no matter how far from them I'm standing. They massively stand out, while in vanilla they're comlepletely hidden.

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