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Mobile settlements and flyable vertibirds maybe?


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I have this idea but I am thinking it might end up in a future fallout game if they would develop the BoS more instead of making them a political allegory all the dam time. Maybe the BoS gets BIG and has large mobile settlements that look like those experimental tanks from supreme commander forged alliance game they drive these all over the place and when they park it becomes a settlement for a while with built in defenses that can hold off anything from radroaches to deathclaws. Also the player might be able to actually fly a dam vertibird and land it wherever they want with auto landing options for these mobile settlements. Would be cool to have a quest or mission where the player has to deploy one of these things somewhere and fly some missions for it in a vertibird maybe man one of the anti personnel guns during an attack too.

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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