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Extreme Laggy Unplayable Fresh Install


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well, how does it run on other games?


Otherwise I suggest re-trying your install. So back up your personal data, put in your windows disc then format the drive and reinstall. It is faster then doing a ton of diagnostics that might have you doing the same thing anyways. But if it is still like this after your next instal, then you can assume it is a hardware issue. It kinda looks like a driver conflict, assuming other games work fine.


EDIT: Better be a legit copy of windows >.>

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I am Playing it in Fullscreen on max settings. At some points im getting 60fps like i used to.

Then i drop to 14 and then freeze for like a second then stutter for another 4 and then back to 60 and 2 seconds later it repeats. I KNOW my computer can run this at max with everything on ultra ive done it before and i just can't find otu why its being a Freaking PoS all of a sudden.

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yeah I was about to say... sorry I was away for a bit, I just made this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7234


and as far as your computer your reinstall of windows and etc... before you reinstalled windows did you have the latest drivers? Maybe try earlier drivers. Are you crossfired/SLI? Just try a previously known stable driver.


Otherwise you have a graphic card issue which is hardware, and maybe you can claim warranty under it being defective.


EDIT: I wouldn't keep bumping this thread, mods are very strict with the rules. If you need to find this thread, you can change your notification settings to "every post you comment in" that what mine is set to. You can also edit old posts, as there is a button under every post.


Also, I have built my own PC before so I have an idea of what I'm talking about ;D interned as a system's admin for a small IT company. Can you tell me your full specs btw? Because many people have issues with AMD's APU's.


Also I had to ask you bout your copy of windows because im tired of helping pirates... but not just pirates, pirates too stupid to pirate well enough that they need support >.> lmao

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