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Is it possible that I have finished all missions?


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I've done everything (I think) except for the daedric quests and the hundreds of minor, miscellaneous quest thingies.

Here's another thing to do if you've finished the civil war: Start a new character with an opposite personality type and play the opposing side of the civil war. LOL! I'm doing that now, and I already feel like a traitor to my original side.

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Possibly the reason I have run out in the mid 60s was the fact that I paid close attention to how I leveled. I stayed away from smithing and several other things that tended to artificially level up my character. I highly limited fast travel and talked to everyone I encountered looking for new quests. Battling your way up through the levels takes a lot longer than powering your way up. I state as an example to this the difference between my character and that of my stepson. I didn't get upgraded armor until near the endgame. He had it by level 20.
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Well don't feel like a traitor if you play the opposite side, as focus at how your current char feel instead. ;)


When we run out of missions, then I hope a couple of good questmods has been released. Bethesda takes longer time then needed to release the CK tool but we need to be patient as playing their quests is only the beginning of what good questmodders usually are able to do with the game.

Edited by pekkape
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By the way now that you mention quests. I was wondering if there is any way to kind of list / export into text file the quests that you have completed.


I explain: if you check UESPWiki or other TES info sources, they basically have a complete quest list with exact title, where and how to pick them, and who will give you the quest. That's fine. But after completing all fractions, MQ line, etc it is quite hard to scroll down for like 15 minutes on your completed quest list to see if there is any missing. This specially concerns the smaller adhoc MISC quest.


So, back to my question, is there a way to list your completed quests (maybe using consol code) into a text file? It would be much easier using a simple CTRL Find command to compare the mission titles than having a browser and the game opened and doing tons of ALT+TABs..


I probably don't want to run around all cities and locations with my lvl 85 character asking each and every NPC to see if there is a remaining quest for me after a while. So if I really just want to concentrate on having ALL possible quests completed, this kind of list with exact directions would be a nice tool.


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Having a checklist of all the quests would be useful so you could check them off and review what you have done much quicker. But, you would also need to know which quests fork from other quests and which quests were dependent on other quests. Otherwise you are going to have a long list of quests that you are going to be unable to attain due to the fact they were cancelled or made irrelevant by another quest.
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Very good ideas really as I feel the same and one example is that I am in Windhelm at the moment and how do I know for 100% that I really done all available quests there before I run away to the next area??

When CK comes out, maybe I will take a look at it really and see what we can do with some scripting at least.


I forgot to mention earlier that I am working on a quest series that will take part in Shor's Stone. If you dont want any spoilers, then avoid going there as everything, well the whole questline, is explained there but the whole idea with a WIP is to get input and ideas... ;)

I call it the Shor's Stone Expansion. Maybe it is a bit Hlalu or/and Redmoon inspired, maybe... ;)

Edited by pekkape
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