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That Painted Snow on the Windhelm Textures


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As the title implies, that snow on the walls, bricks, etc. in windhelm has been driving me nuts since Nov 11. It looks like a maniac has been running around town with a bucket of white paint. No mods that have retextured windhelm have helped that in the least (Skyrim 2k HD or anything else that has touched windhelm), even though many of them are quality work.


After looking into the windhelm textures folder and speaking to some folks, it (possibly) looks like either that snow isn't a texture in the windhelm folder or it is similar to 'watery rocks' in that it isn't modified through a texture folder at all (opticshooter modified the watery rocks by altering the wetrocks meshes folder). Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to even pinpoint the problem let alone the solution.


Essentially the request is share any knowledge that would help make that painted snow look better!

Edited by calthrop
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