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Daedra weapons/ god- like weapons/ abilities


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Ok, so i had this idea after rewatching the LOTR series, and you know how at the beginning there was sauron in the battle scene and he had this mace and was making people fly with one swing of his weapon? well what if the was a similar set of weapons or abilities in which you were so powerful you made enemies go flying, something like a "fus ro dah infused warhammer" or something idk just that would be awesome if you were like as strog as the giants and could just send people flying.
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Well, there is this "Mjolnir" in nexus, which actually has the effect of fus ro dah on it.

But I think it makes the weapon too OP, so it would just be a cheat weapon?

I am not sure how it works on mjolnir, I haven't played with it, just tested how it looked in-game.

I'd make it random (aka. 1%-5% chance) of making people fly, so it wouldn't be so cheatlike.

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There's a ragdoll mod out in the nexus.




It doesn't really send people flying like the giants do,but they do fly around if you hit them hard enough.. XD like 20 minutes ago I went on a 999 killing spree,destroying whiterun,riverwood and solitude in a row,killing everybody..rofl.I was swingin' my sword at everybody,and there was a noob shopkeeper standing in front of me,hit him with a power attack,he flew back,hit the wall and died..lmao.


I'd actually like it if they reacted to the blows we deal..I mean wtf,I have a huge dwarven greatsword in hand,it's pretty freakin' heavy,it's made of gold and steel,and I hit the guy with ALL of my power,he still comes and tries to bash me with his shield.WTF is this?

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