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THis topic isnt so much as and error on steam or skyrims part but a workaround due to one of my tinkering mistakes , I was creating some outbound rules for my firewall that "i thought" wouldn't effect steam in anyway, i was wrong. so before i thought to remove the rules i tryed to re-install steam because i thought steam had become corrupted.so when that didn't do the trick i removed the un-operating steam but since it was not functional at all i had to do a revo uninstall followed by its scan for reg instances to remove it all. after that was complete it still didnt work then my brain finally told me i should have removed the outbound rules first so i did and now it works.however since i used an advanced remover it cleared out my skyrim install as well . so i tried to re-inject my backup into stems install directory and activate skyrim.exe to re-establish the game with the computer , steam did not like that so no matter what steam continued to prompt for a reinstall.my question is ,is there a way to inject my backup copy into steam and have steam register skyrim is present? any help would be appreciated thank you for reading.

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As long as the files are in the correct place/s, steam will usually only 'verify' the local files when it does a "re-install". It "shouldn't" force a complete re-download/re-install. However any files that have been modified from vanilla, such as some .ini files or "cleaned" vanilla DLC .esm files, will be re-aquired by steam, so make sure you have a backup.

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