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Can't crouch after using carriage


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Hey there,


got some serious problem over here - I can't crouch after I use carriage.


Now I don't think it's caused by any mod, since just yesterday it was all fine (and I didn't added any mods since than). When I use carriage I can actually crouch for a few seconds, than the games uncrouches

me on it's own and can't use the crouch anymore. It happens only after using the carriage (as far as I know).


Recently added mods:

SexLab Skooma prostitute

Brawl Bugs CE


Thanks for any help, I really appriciate it :laugh:

And also if you need some more info, just say the word


Edit: Might actualy be something regarding one of the Devious Devices mods, since Cursed Loot Free Me option solves the problem /don't know if temporary or permanently, but either way I would be glad if we could get to the bottom of this, since it never happened to me before/

Edited by araraf
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