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What mods are making me crash?


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Sorry no idea where else to post so please help me out or another forum help

Im able to launch the game through NMM (i only use this) I did the auto sort on NMM and in LOOT Im able to load in into the game unless i press F5 (crash) than i cant load into the save that made me crash i have to use a previous one.I also crash loading into new areas or i go near certain NPC (Flame Atronach) Tried turning off the Mod i have for it still made me crash I load up a couple launch skyrim to the main menu and if i didnt crash i installed more


(files were to big to upload)

Toal avtive mods are 259


This is my loot load order

Edited by Talkatar1243
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Difficult to tell with such a large load order.


Some things I noticed:

- XPMSE and FNIS are too high in your load order. Both should be as low as possible, with XPMSE after FNIS.

- It seems you installed the SE version of SMIM. Check this.

- You don't have a TES5Edit Merged Patch nor a bashed patch (Wrye bash). With such a large load order, you should use both.


Did you install "crash fixes": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? It's almost mandatory.

In general, never quicksave. It's an unsave method of saving. Create regular saves instead.

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