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Gintama inspired Elder/Old man weapon


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Those unfamiliar with Gintama, it is a comedy anime that satirises various pop culture conventions. One episode made fun of RPG conventions where the starting characters started off at either critical health or poisoned as a result of a glitchy game. The characters with these conditions decided to work together to progress through the game. The poisoned character riding onto of the dead character's coffin (having bumped into a sign earlier at critical health), also a reference to how poisoned characters get worse the more they walk.



To pull the duo, they lasooed the all too common Old man character and forced him to drag them around (with obvious difficulty). They eventually encounter enemies and physically grab the Elder and swing him at the enemies like a club, it being a surprisingly powerful weapon.

To share the Elder both characters were even able to snap the Elder in two (legs and torso).


So yeah. I want to smack trolls around with the torso of an old man.

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