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music replacement issues & sounds bsa directory structure


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hey, so i've been able to replace a bunch of music in skyrim using the known method of unpacking the bsa and converting my new replacements from .wav into .xwm and copying the folder stucture into my Data folder etc. it's worked out great, i couldn't be happier


only problem is some songs don't play. most of my replaced music plays correctly, however some never does. specifically mus_explore_day_06.xwm and others from the music/explore/ folder. i am very sure my filenames and formats are correct, and it's not a problem of bit depth or sample rate or anything with my original audio because all of the replacement music is from the same source, and most of it is playing. just not these few songs. it might be a problem with the whole /explore/ directory.. i can't tell for sure but i think perhaps none of my files in that directory are playing.


i've read some people say they've had similar experiences. can anyone speak to this? is there a trick or something i'm not doing? anyone with experience swapping out .xwms and familiarity with the sounds.bsa, it'd be much appreciated.


ooh, just had an idea- does anyone know a console command to switch music or play tracks? if i could force trigger it in-game it would at least answer my question of if the file will play or not.




edit: i don't know much about archive invalidation. could that be involved ?

Edited by pchclx
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