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Each race has a different language.


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I'm thinking this would really add to the feeling of the vastly different cultures in the game. For example, Nords could speak German, Imperials could speak Italian, Kajjits could speak Spanish, elves could speak French. I know there isn't enough to go around for each race, but it would still be a greater variety.


Anyone feel up to doing it?

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I liked this idea up until the Spanish Khajit and the French Bosmer. As someone who speaks both of those languages, I'd find this lore-breaking rather than immersive. Now, if someone was to go all Tolkien on Skyrim's butt and create their own languages, I would be all over this. Edited by JanusForbeare
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Technically, the lore says they all have their own native language. It'd be easy to do Orcs and Elves since Tolkien has an elven lexicon and WoW and Gothic both have sturdy representations of language for Orcs. But I still fail to see the point? There is nothing about it that would immerse me more. Especially not with spanish speaking cat people and any form of french, polish, or any other languages native to...reality.


I suppose the most practical way to go about it, though, would be to blend all the different versions of skyrim that are in other languages together....but why?

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Before we make plans to start brushing up on our klingon or whatever...


perhaps this would be more do-able...keep the languages as is based upon the language you are using...(ie German or English or piglatin for the UI)...but toggle/scramble (?) the languages of any of the other races (which you are not a member of) into indecipherable gibberish..or perhaps just a generic foreign language which becomes more "decipherable" (for lack of a better word) by spending more time among that particular race to learn that race's "language".


example..(all arbitrary numbers)

first meeting a Bosmer as a Nord...you understand 0/10 words.

After say...4 hours with a Bosmer...you get 1/20 words (the word will be piped thru to you in your language that you speak IRL)

After say 8 hours with a Bosmer...you get 1/10 words...

12 hours 3/20

16 hours 3/10

20 hours 4/20

24 hours 4/10

and so on


Perhaps change the time spent values based upon the races for a +/- pending which race you are to which language you speak to which language you wish to learn...


make sense?

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make sense?


Sort of. How would you handle the lip sync though? If the coherency of any given line varies by the player's skill, and random words gradually become known to the player, you're looking at a lot of variables in your dialogue. I don't see how your idea could be integrated into the rather restrictive .lip file format.

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Guess the question here is...is the lip motion linked to the word or the sentence string?


For simplicity sake (assuming it is not strings but targets)...you would not necessarily learn any "words"..you would be "learning" every x/10 words...or percentages.


what would it matter if the character is mouthing the word "drum" when what you hear is something unintelligible.

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