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Need help with glow maps w/ matte textures


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Hey guys, I finally decided to try to finish my custom texture set after putting it off for a year and half. I finished everything, but now I'm having issues with applying a glow map to my pipboy. Whenever I do, it seems to disable the normal map or something, since the textures look dull and don't reflect light, although the glow works. When I disable my custom BGSM file, the textures and model look normal and textures are nice and have a matte finish, but alas, no glowing. I attached an example copy of a BGSM file I'm using. I turned "fSpecularMult" to 0.0 since even having it on 0.1 made the textures shiny, which is definitely not the matte look I'm going for. Is there any way to get a nice, matte finish while also having a glow texture, or does glow make everything shiny? I attached an imgur album with night and day examples of each issue.


Night/day examples of normal textures and glow textures:



Example BGSM file to apply glow texture:

  "sDiffuseTexture": "AnimObjects/Pipboy/PipBoy01_d.dds",
  "sNormalTexture": "AnimObjects/Pipboy/PipBoy01_n.dds",
  "sGlowTexture": "AnimObjects/Pipboy/PipBoy01_g.dds",
  "fRimPower": 2.0,
  "fSubsurfaceLightingRolloff": 0.3,
  "bSpecularEnabled": true,
  "cSpecularColor": "#ffffff",
  "fSpecularMult": 0.0,
  "sRootMaterialPath": "",
  "bEmitEnabled": true,
  "cEmittanceColor": "#05c1ff",
  "fEmittanceMult": 1.0,
  "bCastShadows": true,
  "bGlowmap": true,
  "fDisplacementTextureBias": -0.5,
  "fDisplacementTextureScale": 10.0,
  "fTessellationPnScale": 1.0,
  "fTessellationBaseFactor": 1.0,
  "fGrayscaleToPaletteScale": 0.5019608,
  "bTileU": true,
  "bTileV": true,
  "fAlphaTestRef": 127
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You don't seem to have a Specular Map specified ( the xx _s.dds file) as generally that is the file which controls the "glossiness" of the item in game (along with an Environment Map if one is specified), without one specified, I'm not sure what the game uses. You need to have the _s.dds file and use Red and Green levels to control the gloss/metalness of the item


The Specular Multiplier, and to a lesser degree the Specualr Colour, changes only how bright or dark and how flat or pronounced the texture will be on the mesh, not it's "glossiness"

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