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I don't see why people have a go at bethesda 'oh, I hate Bethesda why isn't the CK out yet' well if you hate Bethesda why are you even bothered about a tool from a company you hate.

I personally am looking forward to it but I don't mind waiting, I really want our project to get going.

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Well yes, it will be easier for those who know what they are doing, my point was: To many newbies is getting over-excited over the CK and they might fall off the wagon because of it. I have experience with the aurora toolset (nwn/nwn2) and the tes construction set(oblivion and morrowind), so i know how they work, my point was not that people are not supposed to look forward to the CK, it was just that i have been a newbie at this myself and know how easy it is to loose intereset of you get over-excited, i know i did when i got my hands on 3ds max when i had been working with blender for a month. I looked forward to 3ds max because of the "so much morpher" plugin and i thought my job would be so easy converting skinny meshes to big...but oooh was i wrong about that. When you don't know jack about the interface which is completely different from blender, and suddenly you start to loose intereset. Im aware that may be a subjective case. So i guess it comes down to the ones who are burning to learn modding and those who just want to mod, but without hassle. The last mentioned will most likely give up when cell creation, scripting proves to be more the hassle than it's worth. But that does not mean that they can never learn, it just means that the learning curve will be more difficult to climb when it was not as easy as you previously thought it would be. :)
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There will and then we point at the good tutorials that hopefully will get published:


* How to make your own house

* How to make your own Dungeon


I also suggest:

* How to make a simple quest (I can write this myself if needed really)

* How to add a new weapon and a new armor (if this is not part of the tutorials that Bethesda will make)


If they have not read those tutorials, well should we then offer help?

Pointing towards the tutorials if often the best help anyone can get, if they dont lack the smallest patience, as that is needed for any modding really. :)

Its always some that have no patience at all and then I ask myself, is modding something that those should try at all?


First time I did open CS for Morrowind, I got a shock, closed it down and didnt touched it for over 2 weeks but then I told myself, get over it, stop looking at the whole forest and start to look and focus at each tree instead.

Damn, I felt frustrated a period, no doubt. We didnt had good step by step tutorials then as far as I know as that is what is needed. :)

Edited by pekkape
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I predict that there will be a LOT of threads with people asking for help.


And I'll be one of them, unless it turns out to be too complicated to be worth it. All I want to be able to do is import new textures, meshes and sounds.

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soooo, it was:


1. along with the game

2. early in December

3. beginning of January

4. end of January


......now those swines wrote "very early February".


smells like then they just write "end of February" and so on..



I guess they are making it so stupid that it will require nonstop internet connection, steam account etc.

FFS they could at least give us alpha version..

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The problem when you open CK for the first time is that you see everything at the same time and don't know where to start, as that is what I felt. But if you read the tutorials and take one step in a time, then you will learn to use and control it.


Importing new meshes and sounds as unique objects are so easy, that that tutorial will require 5 lines or so.... ;)

I hope that will be part of Bethesda's tutorials.


Setting an unique texture to a mesh is not done in CK as you need Nifscope for that from Niftools but wait to install it until a later version as it is not finished yet.

A texture is not an object that we can control in CK. A texture is set in the mesh itself.

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I have not modded since Morrowind, but if it is anything like it used to be, I will be able to figure out how to place objects in the world fairly easily. Maybe even as easily as the Sims :P If I remember correctly it was not THAT hard. Now when it comes to scripting and making objects interact with each other, and NPC's, that will take a bit if fiddling to figure it out.


I care little about unique meshes and textures and whatnot. What I care about is adding gameplay improvements so that the game isn't just a shallow hack and slash adventure with crafting.

Edited by thedemoninside
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