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Armor Workbench Bug - Not Displaying Material Swap Mods for Some Users


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Hello everyone.

I am trying to troubleshoot a bug for my latest mod



I have been unable to find a fix after a lot of research. Since I cannot replicate it on my game to troubleshoot, it has been very difficult.


For some users, there are no options to mod the armor at the armor workbench.

This was used for in game color-swapping.


Here is how the armor workbench modding looks on my end and for most users.



Here is how it looks for some users. Once they enter this screen they cannot exit.




I believe the issue to be due to the well known crafting menu cap due to too many mods with too many keywords.

Developing an AWKCR plugin might help, but the issue is really just limited to the armor workbench mods.

Would simply moving the mod upwards in the load order fix this too?


I also considered it could be an issue with the default menus loading due to improper installs/uninstalls of other mods.

If so could this mod be a fix?



Any ideas? Any and all help would be appreciated.

Edited by bumex
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