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Khajiit, Bosmer marriage.


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If you have ever wanted to marry a khajiit or wood elf it's as simple as 1-2-3.


1. Find a marriagable npc or a npc with compatible voices.


2. "addfac 19098 1" and "setrelationshiprank player 4" and then go through with marriage.


3. Now select your spouse in console enter "setrace khajiit" or "woodelf". If you desire even greater effects, you can use the npc editor to choose a matching voice.

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The whole interracial marriage thing was a great opportunity for Bethesda to work in some real quality writing, characters and moral questions. I'd like to see a mod that tackles that. Not because interracial marriage itself is something I'm super into, but I like it when games throw something at me that's actually at an adult level.
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I find it strange that Bethesda decided not to include any Khajiit or Bosmer NPC that you could marry from default. Especially when they are available as followers. If you play a Khajiit or Bosmer, it means you can't marry non-interracial. Edited by MrBuio
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Well that's not even as bad as the dark elf in windhelm that sounds like a breton (IE:Mercer Frey).

I think you need to put down the skooma! Mercer Frey is a Breton...:laugh:

Edited by Sunnie
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