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Problems with SKSE


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I was wondering if any of you could help me with a very frustrating difficulty I've been having in trying to get SKSE - and, in extension, SKUI - to function. I've looked through the tech support forums for pre-existing topics, examined the modding guides for a third time, and even watched a YouTube guide. I now know that, though I'm installing the mod and everything it affects in the proper locations, I'm not getting the SKSE launcher file; I am simply receiving a naked "skse_1_04_03" file upon download (from silverback, of course), and I have no idea how to properly extract the launcher file from it. I do not have anything installed capable of running the file properly, and I've gathered that I probably need one of the extraction programs commonly mentioned. If such is the case, which would work best here? If I'm completely wrong, can someone explain a solution?
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I was wondering if any of you could help me with a very frustrating difficulty I've been having in trying to get SKSE - and, in extension, SKUI - to function. I've looked through the tech support forums for pre-existing topics, examined the modding guides for a third time, and even watched a YouTube guide. I now know that, though I'm installing the mod and everything it affects in the proper locations, I'm not getting the SKSE launcher file; I am simply receiving a naked "skse_1_04_03" file upon download (from silverback, of course), and I have no idea how to properly extract the launcher file from it. I do not have anything installed capable of running the file properly, and I've gathered that I probably need one of the extraction programs commonly mentioned. If such is the case, which would work best here? If I'm completely wrong, can someone explain a solution?

Did you put the skse files into your skyrim directory? (Typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim) You can then make a shortcut for the skse loader onto your desktop, but the extensions should work regardless of whether you launch skyrim with the skse loader or the regular game through steam or default exe.. If you don't have an extraction tool use winzip or something, you need an extraction tool.

Edited by ninjaman001
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Yes, I thought it was the lack of an extraction tool. I'm downloading Winzip right now (god, trialpay is a horrible place). It would be nice if I could just figure out a way to get it to work with NMM, but whatever. Half the mods I have on NMM don't work as it stands, so putting forth a few extra minutes to get them all downloaded externally of NMM is probably for the best (despite my protesting lazy center).
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Grab 7zip, it's just about the best free extraction/compression tool out there.


Try to find where NMM puts the downloaded files, maybe it stores them somewhere and you can move them from that location to somewhere external, saving you the redownload of them.

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Okay, it actually functions now. So happy <3 (despite it being a lot of hassle -.-)



I'm also pretty sure everything else is working, but I'm not sure how to check for some of the more ambiguous things like Midas Magic.


EDIT: Nevermind, it all works now. <3

Edited by Aaun
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