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Monster Removal Mod


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Well I was just wondering if it was possible if a mod could be made that removes Centaurs,Trogs and Abominations from the game essentially preventing them from spawning and removing the ones in the game that are already spawned.Dont come in here giving retextures or anything or saying it makes the game too easy I just want them gone in my game.I dont want ugly amalgations of manslugs(Centaurs),simians that have had their fur removed and tail amputated( Trogs) or naked grey aliens running amok in my game.Please help this is turning me off from playing the game and going into Vault 87,the Washington DC area and doing the Pitt. No one coming in here saying this takes away challenge please.
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Not saying it takes away the challenge.


It takes away the reasons that Vault 87 is a place to be feared, half the quest of The Pitt, and the only difficult monster on Mothership Zeta plus most of the reason to dislike the Greys.


There is no simple way to get rid of them. They could be replaced with something less offensive and have the names kept, but to just flat out take them away would break most of the game's purpose and half of it's scripts.


So no it wouldn't make it too easy, it would make it too pointless.


If mutant creatures bug you, maybe Fallout is not your game, eh?

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