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NordWarHorn - Epic battle feeling


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Hi there,


I had an idea this day but I have absolutely no knowlegde how to mod. So maybe one of you is interested in my idea and will mod this.


I thought of a warhorn, increasing stats of all friendly persons in range when the player is using it (like the hero spell).

The warhorn is already created by Bethesda, but it can't be used. Player animation and sound is also made by Bethesda - I saw it when the first dragon in the story attacked the guards.


So here is the actual description and id of the horn:

NordWarHorn [000200B6]


A warhorn has a long tradition to northern mythologies and I think it would absolutely fit into skyrim.

Heimdall uses his Gjallarhorn to warn the other gods in Valhall when Raknarök begins.


I shared this with a picture at the SkyrimNexus as well:



If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thanks :)

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