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Quick FO4Edit question


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Edit: Half figured out. Could use some help yet though. Skip to last paragraph? Thanks.


Hey, I've just recently got into learning the very basics of FO4Edit, by now I'm figuring out merging, patching, cleaning, master dependencies and etc. One very small thing I couldn't find in direct guides (and googling has been somewhat ineffective):

- Is there a way to see the updated entries I copy from an esp to another right after I do it? Sometimes, folding and unfolding the +/- icon in the esp name solves it and the new entries show up. But more often than not, they simply don't. (If the "type" like "Spells" was already existent with some previous edit, it is bolded like the esp name is always bolded, but the new entries don't show. If the category is new, only the esp title is bolded, and the new category doesnt show even after folding/unfolding the esp that got the new entry.)
The "solution" I've found is to save, close and reopen.

But I was hoping there was a more practical way, because on relaunching, waiting for it to finish, and then Apply filter for Cleaning, and waiting, can sometimes get to like 5 minutes.
And when I have to update internal formIDs in many of these copied entries for later master cleaning, I'm doing one by one until I get more comfortable with the system, and saving, closing, reloading, waiting is a bit... well not ideal.

I'd like to know if there's a keyboard command or one of the right click options that do that. (again, sorry if this is really trivial, like I said, really new to this :tongue: )


Edit: So if I reapply filter for cleaning, my esp gets updated with the new entries, which is like 60% faster than having to close and reopen the editor.
Still, if there's a "quick" hotkey or other updating method that is more immediate, I'd very much like to know :)

Thanks, Cheers!

Edited by Ivarov
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