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Sole Survivor delete certain lines


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There are two line, for the most part that annoy me:


I need to get someone to look after this.... ( produce )


... and the counter ...


Seems to be growing well.


Is there a mod that KILLS these two lines or a console command that can stop these from being said?


Thanks! :)


.. Jj ...

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I had a mod for that at one stage, but I can't remember what it's called. I thought it might've been No Player Comments, but that only covers terminals, chems and lockpicking.

There's another way, though. I've taken to using this way rather than clog up my load order with plugins, or merging multiple plugins. It's FO4 Voice File Reference Tool. You can find the offending line, said by anyone in the game, even the player, and generate an empty (silent) voice file. If you play with general subtitles on you'll still see the words, though.


Edit: I found it. In the comments of No Player Comments. Silent Harvesting. I knew I saw it somewhere.

Edited by star-mystyk
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