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Game freezes after a length of playing


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Hi, my Fallout New Vegas tends to crash after about half an hour to an hour of playing a loaded up save. When I load up a save, the game runs normally, but after at least half an hour of playing when I go through a door to access an interior or room, the game either goes to a never ending loading screen forcing me to Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open the task manager and close the game, or the game just simply crashes.
I have a total of 63 mods as of right now (64 if you count the bashed patch) all of them are activated, I am careful about my load order and what mods should and shouldn't be activated as well as placing files in the data folder so it doesn't load up too much memory.

Here is my load order if anyone is interested:



[X] FalloutNV.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm
[X] TribalPack.esm
[X] MercenaryPack.esm
[X] ClassicPack.esm
[X] CaravanPack.esm
[X] MikotoBeauty.esm
[X] Momod.esm
[X] FreesideOpen.esm
[X] NVStripOpen.esm
[X] AnimationProject.esm
[X] AnimationProjectV5PatchForSprint.esm
[X] Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
[X] YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
[X] oHUD.esm
[X] Casa Madrid Redesigned.esp
[X] Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
[X] New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
[X] YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
[X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
[X] CASM with MCM.esp
[X] NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp
[X] CRHDV3O2.esp
[X] MoMod-Aliens.esp
[X] MoMod-Terminators.esp
[X] Momodlorefriendly.esp
[X] MonsterModLorefriendlyDLC.esp
[X] expadvarmor01.esp
[X] Snowglobes Redone - DLC.esp
[X] Near Death.esp
[X] FreesideOpenPatch.esp
[X] StripOpenMain.esp
[X] awilderwastelandnobenny.esp
[X] outsidebets.esp
[X] ReputationFixer.esp
[X] Vault_34_better_reactor.esp
[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp
[X] SaveCass.esp
[X] ClearWindows.esp
[X] Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp
[X] Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
[X] Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp
[X] All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp
[X] Readius_NV.esp
[X] The Fiends and Me.esp
[X] Extra-Characters---Fiends-Quest-ENABLED.esp
[X] New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
[X] MikotoBeauty.esp
[X] CNR_Beta.esp
[X] GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esp
[X] A Better Boone.esp
[X] OCD-Cass outfits.esp
[X] A Better Cass.esp
[X] A Better Veronica.esp
[X] Performance Of The Gods.esp
[X] Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp
[X] Bashed Patch, 0.esp



Also if anyone asks, yes I have NVAC installed, and for the sake of getting help I've decided to post a log here if anyone wants to take a look to see if it could help finding an answer to my problem.



13002646 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe
13002646 _ 033E0000 07050000 nvac.dll
13002646 _ 09DD0000 05000030 nvse_1_4.dll
13002646 _ 76F60000 06032580 ntdll.dll
13004245 e 00AAA60A C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
13004245 e 00AAA60A C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
13004245 h 00AA9DE4 8B480C89 FalloutNV.exe
13004245 h 00AA9E08 89480C8B FalloutNV.exe
13004245 e 00AAA60A C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
13004245 h 00AA9DE4 8B480C89 FalloutNV.exe
13004245 h 00AA9E08 89480C8B FalloutNV.exe
13004245 e 00AAA60A C0000005 FalloutNV~
13004341 h 00AA91BC 8B480481 FalloutNV.exe
13004341 h 00AA951C 8B420C89 FalloutNV.exe



If anyone can give me some information or tips or any solution at all that could help me with my crashing problem, then I will highly appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this ^.^

Edited by Killerband4256
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Please see the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section of the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. Cause-2 is unlikely, as you are nowhere near "too many" plugins. But you might want to read over the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article before adding many more or if you start over.



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