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Neuro - Do they work?


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Does it work as what?


An Energy Drink? Yeah.


Will it make you lose weight? No.


No weight loss fast-track method has or ever will work on it's own. They can assist, they can help, they might even do something biochemical to move you along faster, but the fact is nothing is out there that will let you just sip it and the weight goes away without having to work at it.


Want to lose weight? Go to the gym.

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Well it contains a LOT of caffeine which is known to have an effect of appetite suppression.


And it is very low calorie.


Bottom line in my opinion:

If you drink lots of energy drinks, but also want to lose a bit of weight, NeuroTrim might work well. It certainly won't make you GAIN weight, unlike Monster or Red Bull.


However, if you are an energy drink fan, NeuroSonic might be the way to go. I hear that stuff is absolutely BONKERS as far as how much stimulation it gives you. Fundamentally it'd have the same effect as Trim other than the tweak.

Edited by Jeoshua
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I don't really understand the whole energy drink craze, though I don't really even drink soda (maybe a can per week but only if I buy a lunch). The best way to loose weight is at a gym. You may not exactly loose a ton of weight if you are just a bit chubby but you build muscle in its place (muscle is heavier than fat, but you will definitely loose the weight you want to). Miracle fixes don't often work and the satisfaction after a good day of working out is great. Calories are not a bad thing either, you just need to be eating the right kind of calories. If you eat vegetables like Celery or Carrots with a bit of ranch dip as a snack you wont be craving as much to eat. Meat like chicken and fish are also really good for you (a nice salmon steak with some lemon and herbs is so tasty :happy:). There is also no need to cut off junk food, just reduce it. Good food and a gym are the best sustainable method to proper health. Just don't overwork yourself at first or you will regret it :laugh:. If you can get someone to go with you to a gym it makes it a lot easier to maintain a motivated attitude towards it so I would also recommend that. Just be prepared to stick with it for about 2 months before you get noticeable weight loss results and about 2 months more before you notice a good muscle gain. Last thing is don't be a curl warrior at the gym. Make sure that you work all parts of your body evenly. You can normally separate it into workout days so one day you will work on chest, biceps and triceps and the next you will get legs (calf and hams), lats, abs and shoulders. A bit of reading online can help you further understand how to isolate muscle groups to improve the effectiveness of your workouts. Good luck with everything and remember that it doesn't happen in a week :thumbsup: . All good things take time.
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I can't stand energy drinks, its just like cocaine and not the greatest thing for you. Especially the caffiene, and coke is probably just as bad. Small joke.:teehee: Edited by Thor.
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Well these "Energy Drinks" are supposed to be much more than that.


I do like the idea of a few of the types. They contain Nootropics and brain boosters, vitamins and minerals and all kinds of good stuff. It's likely that half of them are overhyped, but the other half? Pretty solid.


And the majority of them don't even contain as much caffeine as Green Tea.

Edited by Jeoshua
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In all fairness a multivitamin and fruit will replenish what your body is craving after heavy physical activity, and sleep always works to keep the brain alert :tongue: . Supplements cost a lot of money and few will give you benefits other than expensive urine :laugh: . Protein powders assuming your body is actually using up more protein that you are ingesting can provide some benefit to people who do competitive weightlifting/power lifting but not so much to the regular person. If anything it is just a placebo effect which keeps you motivated and looking for additional muscle gain.
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