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Spellbreaker unbreakable/more resistant ward


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I'm looking for a mod to make Spellbreakers ward unbreakable, or at least increases resistance to withstand spells up to master, so that it doesn't break against all spells above adept. Since most mages at my level use spells above adept, spellbreaker is loosing it's use overall.


You may think that this would be game breaking, but my other shield combined with my equipment is even more game breaking, since with it and my armor i get 100% resistance from fire and frost (not really 100% due to the game having a lower max resistance). This however causes me to be unaffected by fire and frost even when not blocking.


On the other hand, if i used spellbreaker with unbreakable ward, i would only be immune to fire and frost when blocking directly, which makes more sense.


I have no idea how to do this myself but I'm pretty sure there are many modders on the Nexus which are able to do so

Edited by 92DemonKing
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