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Overhaul options recommendations?


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First I got one mini question: with the arrival of SKSE for SSE, will the normal Skyrim SKSE-based mods work on SSE by default? Or will they need to be converted still?


And now the bigger one: In the year 2017, how does the overhaul mod scene look for Skyrim? What's the most fun, most difficult, most rewarding, immersive, whatever other factor you think of?


I've always played Skyrim with Requiem, I absolutely MUST remove the world leveling with my character with some moddy, can't enjoy the game otherwise. I also liked that Requiem was difficult without accomplishing it by introducing more gorey mechanics to combat (by that I mean some decapitations, leg cut-offing, hitting necks and all... I'm a peaceful weak-stomached gal).


But I've seen a whole bunch of some new mods for perks, spells, skills, stones, classes, omigods, omigod so much stuff I just cannot judge just by reading the descriptions.


Do you have any insights into this? Some combinations of fun overhauls? Ya know. Good stuff.


...a way to make Requiem display what its perks do xD


No but in all seriousness, thanks and I hope someone shares their expert wisdom with little old me <3

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