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Problem with Transfering mods from NMM to MO.


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This is probably the first time i am making a tread here, i forgot but i believe this is the first time so sorry if this is not the right section to post my problem to.

So anyway, my problem starts from neglecting skyrim with NMM for a long time. So there was once i download a lots of mod altogether and mess with the load order and the overwrite dont overwrite, until i found the one i like. Mostly its "Cosmetic overhaul mods".

But after playing for a while i found out there are still purple texture here and there, and "wide face" on the NPC which are not supposed to be there. i was messing with the load order and overwrite/dont overwrite things because it can help with the purple texture and the wide face texture, of course if the data itself is missing a certain texture then nothing i can do about it other than re-download it.


BUUUUUT i dont know which mod is causing this, because there are 3-4 overhaul cosmetics on my NMM. and i certainly dont want to deactivate all of them and search for the proper order from the start again while checking the results in the game over and over again. so what i did? i just simply reinstall ALL COSMETICS MODS altogether, which is a bad,hasty,reckless move. because i forgot what to overwrite and dont overwrite afterwards......

which results in NPC that is not supposed to have purple texture now have one too...

Anyway that makes me lose motivation to play skyrim and i stop playing for about 1 year?... after 1 year i come back and thought i'll try to fix my mod problem. only to find out i have another problem. NMM seems to have error from not being updated for a long time, it immediately shows notification that said "NMM can't open this mod".

I PANICKED, but then i click OK and saw the plug ins still there. check the game and all the mods still yet. no idea why NMM said it can't load the mod. then i Update it and the same notification still appears. This makes me give up on NMM and decide to transfer to MO.

After downloading MO and selecting "transfer Copy from NMM to MO". But then MO shows something like "This Mod can't be installed because it is already exist or the name is invalid".

when i check, MO dont have those mods. when i check at NMM, the plug in is there....but the mod is not there on the mod list.

I am afraid i will make things worst if i move the mods manually. i am not sure what is happening here and not sure if i explain my problem well enough, i am completely at lost.


any help? thanks in advance for any replies.

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