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Player Character not Shouting Fire/Frost Breath.


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I have recently noticed a Sound Effect problem whenever I use the Fire Breath or Frost Breath Shout. The 1st and 3rd words of either shout aren't being spoken by my player character.


I can only hear the second word being spoken but only if I shout 2 words (Yol Toor! and Fo Krah!) (Yol and Fo arent heard).

If I shout all 3 words of either Shout, No words are being spoken at all. I can only hear the flames or the cold wind sound effects.


Now the only mods I used that change/affect shouts are "Thunderchild" and "Dragon Fire". However even after disabling both mods the problem still persists. If anyone knows how to solve this I will appreciate your help :wink:

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