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Mods for more Witcher 3-like melee combat


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I've been playing a lot of the Witcher 3 lately and fell in love with many things about it. One of these things was the melee combat. I know not everyone thinks the same, but the melee combat in the Witcher 3 feels much more... How to say it... Flexible? And it definitely looked more engaging to me. In TW3, despite the fact that it's mostly melee combat, the system actually felt more versatile. A lot of it depends on the player's timing, positioning, the usage of signs/potions and thinking( at least that's how it seemed to me). So many different ways to swing a sword, and I certainly had an easier time to move around during combat. An now when I came back to Skyrim, the melee combat seems... Lacking. The character I'm currently playing is a melee light armored sneaky dual wielder, and damn, she feels so clumsy to play. As if the clunky 3rd person camera in this game wasn't enough( I don't like playing melee characters in 1st person, if the character is melee, I need to see their surroudings), after playing TW3 the whole thing seems like just a sequence of blocks( which my dual wielding char can't do because dual wielding) and attacks. My character can't dodge or roll either, neither is she fast enough to strike the opponents in the back. There is no movement, no room for imrovisation. The whole thing feels like repeatedly hitting an enemy with a club( no offense to those who like Skyrim's melee combat, that's just how I feel), it's as if all depends on my character's skill level, armor( no, this character isn't wearing any heavy armor, don't even tell me to do that), how much I hit and block( which I can't do again). Also, since this character is not the Dragonborn, shouts are not an option.

Sorry about what might be a rant, just thought I should describe my feelings about combat if I want to find a more comprehensive help in searching for what I need. What I'm asking is, are there any mods that make the melee combat in Skyrim more like the one in TW3? Because I feel like I like TW3's combat a lot more.

Edited by ISOWarrior
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