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Measuring Fallout 4 Performance Across CPU Architectures (With AMD GPU)


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Original thread on Anandtech: https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/ryzen-w-amd-gpu-performance-in-fallout-4.2501467/


For those not in the know, AMD's previous processors (Excavator and older) were terrible at draw calls. Core 2 was Intel's big jump, being easily over twice as fast as AMD's Athlon II and Phenom architectures, as far as displaying objects on screen is concerned.


Nehalem sealed the coffin, being even faster than Core 2, with each subsequent architecture being better at processing draw calls.


Now, if you ever looked at benchmark results for Fallout 4, they're completely worthless. If you're lucky, the reviewers tested Sanctuary Hills post-war, without any settlement building. What's more likely, is they played the opening sequence for a couple minutes.


That ain't good. Anyone who's been to Corvega or Diamond City knows that you're not going to score up in the high 50's with a Piledriver CPU.


And with AMD's Ryzen architecture now released, I'm collecting user results based on draw calls, and general performance. The former is done through a save at the top of Corvega, the latter in Diamond City.


If you have an ENB, and know how to disable mods, you're almost ready; just gotta copy over my .ini files that have been optimized for low GPU load + high CPU load. Low res textures + shadows + display resolution, high object & shadow distance.


Here's the step-by-step guide on getting the game ready for testing:


1. Download these two save files, and place them in your "My Games\Fallout4\Saves" folder: https://mega.nz/#!bxljwZiQ!foEekBl-RWzM8XY5HZYztBOQrBeEpbloSsgZNVH8yLw

2. Backup & replace your .ini files in "My Games\Fallout4" with these: https://mega.nz/#!X88FDB6I!x9FCxGAB79AsFLXN16xyiI4mRjs_CQ_FPOBZ-zYIsJs

3. In FalloutPrefs.ini, replace: sD3DDevice="AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series" with the value from your original FalloutPrefs file.

4. Download and install the latest ENB mod, by placing the files inside the "WrapperVersion" folder, into the same folder as your Fallout4.exe file: http://enbdev.com/mod_fallout4_v0311.htm

5. Replace the ENB .ini files with these: https://mega.nz/#!3kUHTY7K!GnxkhGoqX1WjnqxUsVHMbPhfmO5zFmB5Ys8dcMva048

6. Disable VSync in your GPU driver settings program

And once you're in the game:

1. Load the save(s)

2. Press Shift+Enter to bring up the ENB overlay

3. Click on the "Profiler" category. Pan the camera around until you get the same number of draw calls, as the number in the save. So for "Corvega11700draws21fps", try and get as close to 11700 draw calls as possible. Same gig for the DiamondCity save.

4. Note down your framerate, and number of draw calls.

Finally, when submitting your results, use the following format:

GPU Driver:

First Save (Corvega)
Draw Calls:

Second Save (Diamond City)
Draw Calls:

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