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Shield on back?


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hey there, sorry i'm not a modder or anything so have no idea if this is currently possible or how it would work, i presume a new animation would need to be created or maybe an adapted 'grabbing of 2h' with the left hand may be enough. Anyway, the main issue i have with using shields in the game is it seems outside of combat it always looks uncomfortable when the player is just holding out the shield. I've played games like wow in the past and it just seems more natural to have the shield on the back when out of combat, also looks better imo. I'm sure its not the case in real life but regardless i was wondering if such a mod exists or is in the making? if not is this something anyone would be up for making? i'm sure i'd be less then useless in regards to help so im not offering that and im sure it'll likely hold many issues, i just thought it would be cool to have the shield on your back when your weapon is 'sheathed' :)
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