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Can't get Alpha Channels in Nifskope to work..


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Hello I am new at modding trying to learn to do Alpha channels in Nifskope. I know how to add them properly in Adobe Photoshop CS3. But when I add the alpha channel in Nifskope they don't seem to work. The textures and meshes in Skyrim that already have the alpha channels attached to them work just fine .But when I go to add a new alpha channel to the meshes that don't have a alpha channels attached, they don't seem to work.. I am running the latest version of Nifskope out atm. I was wondering if my Windows is not compatable... I am running Windows 7 Home Premium Edtion 64 bit with 4 Gigs memory and a HD5770 video.. I know this is all low end Modding for some people but I am still learnig any input would be much welcomed with open arms ...:wallbash::huh: And Thank You for taking time to read this Post.....much appreciated :yes:
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What do you mean, adding alpha in nifskope? As far as I know alpha in NifSkope is used for transparency. Do you want it to become transparent? And what is the problem, you didn't explain that part?
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If that's the case you'll need to attach a NiAlphaProperty to the NiTriShape and set the flags to 21005, judging by the "edgeblood" on the vanilla weapons. The level of transparency is then regulated in Normal Map's alpha channel.


Keep in mind that I have little experience with Skyrim models, I only made one model for Skyrim. And this is how it's done for Fallout 3, only Fallout has a different flags number (4333).

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Just to disperse a little confusion with the language, alpha channel is an attribute of the texture, and alpha property is an attribute of a .nif.


You mention you know how to add an alpha channel in photoshop, so I'll assume the texture you're using/modding has one now and it should work for transparency.


...But when I go to add a new alpha channel to the meshes that don't have a alpha channels attached, they don't seem to work...

First, check that when you added the AlphaProperty to the mesh, it's actually attached to a TriShape, and not floating freely in the nif structure.

-Click on a Trishape, and look to the details view.

-Expand the Properties list at the bottom, A ShaderProperty and the AlphaProperty should be listed here.

*If not, enter the index number for the AlphaProperty here, it's the number that prefixes all node names in the tree view.

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Just wanted to thank everyone that helped me out. I did resolve my problem due to a awesome tutorial by--Deadly Serious-- Thank you so much man for a easy step by step tutorial to follow. Here is the name of the tutorial for anybody else that had the same issue as me "Deadly Serious Tutorial - " Nifskope and Transparency " And here is the place to find it http://skyrim.nexusm...ile.php?id=4092 again I want to thank the Nexus forums and specialy - Deadly Serious - for his wonderful tutorial
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