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Making a bandit essential w/o effecting others


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So I know how to make bandits follow you and how to make them essential using AFT and console commands together. The problem I get when doing so is that when I make the desired bandit essential, it makes other bandits in that line of bandits essential. (An example of this is Lost Knife Cave, which is a bandit hideout. I chose a bandit I wanted essential, which is a female archer bandit. In doing so caused other bandits of the same type to become essential, regardless of gender.) I want to know if there is a way of making this bandit essential, without it effecting the other bandits of its type. This problem also applies to changing the bandit's stats, (Level, Health, Skill levels, etc).

Edited by Oblivarator
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Simply add that particular bandit to an alias. Even if it's part of the "line", all objects have unique reference ids(this is separate from editor and form IDs), and it's this ID that aliases point at.


Obviously you need to setup a quest with an empty alias and do some script work.

Edited by Lisselli
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