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The Ream


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Military Report X18

You have been selected to help secure the cordon around the REAM. Report to your nearest military recruiter for assignment.




Biological disaster near a nuclear power plant in the Metropolitan area of Minnesota. Combonation of disease and radiation causesa biohazard area. The area spreads, taking towns and pushing the military cordon back farther, towns taken by the area are locked down, preventing people from leaving. Center of area is in southern Minnesota, but the area has spread to the nearby states.


current diameter of the ream 125 miles.




Radiation. Radiation doesn’t do much for mutation on its own, but will combine with spores or the virus to mutate the host even further. Radiation pockets exist, and have even bent the laws of pysics to create gravity pockets.


The virus. The result of an experiement in forced evolution gone wrong. The only ones who new the secret of its creation have long since died, or mutated beyong any form of communication. It has been discovered that the virus is a success, if only a partial success, since it does force a kind of evolution in the victims. It is speculated that the virus is intelligent. The virus is difficult to contract, and even more difficult to survive. It is only transferred through bodily fluids, and takes a significant amount of time to gain a foothold in any living creature. Seek medical help if you’ve come into contact with a mutant’s blood/


Spores. The virus tends to ignore plant life, but not some types of mushrooms. The virus turned these harmless fungi into a hive of virus spores. The spores tend to only affect humans, and if measures are taken instantly, the victim can be saved. Spores can only be contracted through the air and are only dangerous when in large dense clouds. One word, avoid.


Gravity Pockets. These cracks in the laws of physics are a result of intense radiation and a combonation of specific elements. These pockets will either throw you high up into the air (usualy to fall a lethal distance) or slam you down onto the ground (usually non lethal, but extremely painful and annoying.) The best way to detect them is to throw an object into the area in question to obverse its flight pattern.


Mutants. The many biological hazards have turned ordinary animals and people into monstrosities. Kill all on sight.


The Area is now known as The REAM.




Area of



SOAP runs are the main line of work for the inhabitants of the ream. Usually a mission given by observers to gather data on anomalies of physics or nature. These can range from just throwing a transmitter into a gravity pocket to placing a camera inside the den of a mutant.


Observations of






Mutated animals (dangerous)

Animals have not changed beyond recognition, but their deadliness has, for the most part, been brought to a point were even the most entrenched military position reeks of fear when faced with these creatures.


Dragoons. The only surviving reptiles are the descendants of domestic bearded dragons. These hardy little lizards have grown into monstrous dragons. Their breath is a vile cloud of spores. Their spikes have become barbed, and their bodies have grown to the size of a small car. Their cold blooded nature keeps them out of sight during winter, but beware during the warmer months. One of the most feared creatures in the Ream. This is the only animal capable of surviving a combonation of the virus and spores.


Orange death. The size of the common house spider has not changed significantly, but everything else about them has. The virus brought all spiders into one species in an almost intelligent design. The spiders now have impressive eyesight,and their venom carries traces of a neurotoxin and is laced with spores. Their coloring, fortunately, is now a flourecent orange, making them easy to spot and kill.


Joker. Dogs have changed drastically. They have grown an extra pair of legs, their ears have elongated (to an unpractical degree in some dogs), their teeth have actually fallen out to be replaced by a single razor sharp bone on each jaw that takes up the whole space where the teeth were. Their lips have retracted, giving them a permanent “smile” this has given them the nickname “Jokers” Depending on the dog’s heritage, they can look different, some even tamed.


Lancer. Deer have, for the most part, been unaffected by the disaster. Though their coloring has changed with the environment, the only main difference is the antlers. They are now closer to swords than antlers, and the does have smaller “blades” on their heads, their nature has also become far more violent, to the point of attacking military checkpoints at times. Some people call them “lancers” due to their method of attacking. These are created, some believe, through solely evolution only, but man have found traces of the virus in their systems.


Fuzzy Wuzzies. Bears have grown significantly, and they have lost most, all in some cases, of their hair. Their ears have become mere holes in their heads, and their eyes have nearly disappeared. Despite these changes, the bear is still one of the most dangerous mutants to walk the area. Some people jokingly call them “Fuzzy Wuzzies” The cause of the Fuzzy Wuzzies appeaers to mainly be spores.


Mutated animals (docile)


Flutterbys. Butteflies have undergone a radical change, their wings constantly change color, expressing their emotions. The virus also boosted their intelligence to a level where basic communication is possible. Some STALKERs will carry color cards to communicate with them.


Rats. Rats have almost avoid mutation all together, the only noticeable difference is the lack of a tail, though on the inside they have changed significantly. Their metabolism is now consciously controlled, and their muscles have become far more compact, allowing them great strength. These are tame enough to be kept as pets in some cases.


Turkeys. Thanksgiving glows in the Ream, turkeys have mutated through a combonation of the virus and radiation to become a sort of radiation peacock. Their tails are a glowing fan of radiant particles. Otherwise they have not changed in any noticeable way.






Mutated humans (dangerous)

When wounded seriously, some have the fortune to die in the Ream… some don’t. Those that survive their injuries are mutated by the virus, radiation, spores, or any two of them together.. These… things… are feared far more than any mutated animal. Most who walk the wastelands will either avoid these, or put the poor souls out of their misery.


Lurkers. The most commonly mutated human. Created through exposure to the virus, their bodies turn dark, their hands shrivel and a long bony projection replaces it. Their hair usualy falls out, and their eyes become coating in a thin layer of blood. The only way to spot one before its too late is to listen for their breathing. Their jaws become elongated and warped, causing them to make sounds when breathing. It is recommended you shoot dead ones once in the head, as they have been known to play dead.


Vampyres. Straight out of Nosferatu comes the vampyre. Their bodies have become shriveled of all nonessential matter, and their facial features have become a grotesque mix of man and beast. Fangs dripping constantly with an acidic venom decorate their mouths, and large deformed ears sit astride their faces. Their eyes have long since sealed up, leading to the theory that these poor souls are formed from a combonation of mold found in dark places and the virus. Their movements are fast and jerky. They are fast, deadly, but weak. Two or three shots will put one of these abominations down quickly. Just don’t miss, you won’t get another chance.


Stiens. Named after the monster Frankenstien, these awful misshapen forms live up to the name. Their heads have been turned around to face behind them, along with their limbs. Their teeth have either fallen out, or are in the process of doing so. The number of teeth left is used to distinguish how old a Stien is. Their tounges have become insanely long, reaching up to seven feet. Their tounges have a sharp, hollow barb, with which it injects a spores into its prey, that either kill it or mutate it. Regardless of the prey’s fate, the stien will swallow it whole. It is speculated that these are created from an extremely prolonged exposure to the spore plant.


Black Lotus. The genetic coding of African Americans reacts with spores that have been highly radiated in a unique way. The melatonin in their skin reacts with the combonation of spores and radiation. The victim drops dead rather quickly, this prevents them from experiencing the change they undergo. Their feet grow long thin apendages that burrow into the ground and into underground water sources. Long stemmed flowers grow from all over their bodies. These flowers are dark (probably due to the victims genetic structure) they hover around and spray a powerful paralytic dust at any passerby’s. They then spray a sleeping agent onto the victims faces, casing them to drift into a deep sleep. The black lotus then feeds on the prey’s bodily fluids, this process can take up to a month if the lotus has a low supply of water. White lotus’ have been spotted, but are exceedingly rare. Conscious Lotus’s have been observed. The process is extremely painful, according to their testimonies. Killing the victim will not kill the Lotus itself. Fire is recommended.


White lotus. (See black lotus)


Chimera. Noone wants to see one of these on their own, or even when they are with a group. The Chimera is the top of the chain in the Ream. These things are unique in most ways except for the distinct call they make. This call is a cross between a dog barking and a snake hissing. Little else is known about them except for one thing. Avoid. It is speculated that these horrific beings are created through a combonation of the virus, radiation, and spores.


Mutated humans (docile)

Believe it or not, some mutated humans retain their memories. They are even allowed into settlements where they lived in some cases. They usually arent mutated too heavily (though some are) and have both positive and negative side effects of their mutation.


Spotters. These are humans who have been infected with spores and saved by modern medicine. Spores target the optical system first in their ravaging of the body, usually heightening then destroying it. Those that are administered help right away receive the gift of heightened eyesight, but their bodies become frail after the spore’s attack. Some who are foolish enough and are good shots will attempt to be mutated this way to further their ability to take down an enemy from a distance. They usually fail.


Olympians. Some people have a runin with the virus and are lucky enough to have their immune system save them. These people gain highetened sense and strength, at the cost of their fertility and lifespan. This is also sought out, and usually ends up in a bad way.


Flesh. Some people’s genetic coding causes the virus to go haywire. This usually results in the body experiencing random growth. Elongated fingers, eyes that grow to the point of popping out, enormous tounge, and giant feet have all been reported.





Liberation. This is an organized group dedicated to opening the Ream to all peoples, mainly so they can get out. Their armor is usually makeshift, and their weapons range from spears to automatic rifles. Most commonly seen weilded by their members are pistols and shotguns, common home defense weapons. Their headquarters is an old abandoned military base, as many of their members are ex military.


Bandits. There is no central organization to the bandits, as the term bandits refers to all groups, big and small, that prey off of others. They tend to be only a minor problem unless they are gathered in numbers. Their equipment and weapons are an unspecific variety ranging from leather jackets and double barrel shotguns to Kevlar and light machine guns.


Military. They have permission to shoot on sight anyone who is obviously infected with spores or the virus. They are ordered to not let anyone out of the Ream, and people going in must be kept out. They do allow supplies to go through for the people trapped inside. The outside world is not without sympathy. The military commonly used the m249 SAW and the M4, though an M16 or M14 would not be an uncommon sight. Tanks have been spotted at some check points, and helecopters patrol the space between at regular intervals. The military is made up of soldiers that are heavily armored and arent afraid to put down anything they deem as an abomination.


Observers. These are the only people allowed free access to the Ream. They come in biohazard suits and are armed with long range rifles. They have several mobile bases set up to take gravitational, biological, and geological measurements. They wont shoot on sight, and are often willing to pay for assistance with missions into the Ream. A dead observer is not a rare sight since most arent prepared for what awaits them.


Loners. These people are affiliated with no specific group, and are friendly enough with each other to be loosely organized around small villages. They often call each other "stalker" as a referance to a popular game that bears many resemblances to the hell they now live in. Their weapons and armor cannot be pinned down to any specifics.
















Above is my notes on what I was going o try and make into a novel (not happening) so ive decided to make it into an RP for ya'll

Please limit your weaponry to one automatic, 2 pistols, one long range rifle, one shotgun (stockless if you have an automatic) and a maximum of 3 melee weapons.


Character sheet (marked with * are optional)



First name: Gunnar

Last name*:

STALKER name*: Helwyr (Welsh for hunter)

Height: 6ft

Weight: 185lbs

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Green

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: STALKER

Distinguishing marks*: Tattoo of a lotus on his upper right arm. Tattoo of his name on his forearm. Tattoo of a spider with a bullet in it's grasp over his heart. A long scar on his left arm.

Armor: Primarily an olive green trenchcoat reinforced with kevlar and leather with a hood. A pair of sunglasses. A small backpack. Combat boots. Woodland camoflauge pants and shirt.

Weapons (as of this report): 1. AK-74U (wood). 2. .44 Magnum revolver (black). 3. Bowie knife. 4. Machete (painted black). 5. Dragunov (wood). 6. Combat knife (black).

Attatchments* (in order of weapons): 1. supressed, ACOG scope. laser sight. 2. speed loader. 3. none. 4. none. 5. Supressed, scoped. 6. none.

Affiliation (if none, put loner). Loner.

Mutations positive*: none

Mutations negative (required if there is positive)*: none

Special skills (max 3): Marksmanship. Wilderness survival. Weapon maitenence.

Bad at (minimum 2): Dealing with wimps. Dealing with authority.

Reason for being in the REAM*: Broke through the cordon late one night to find his family.

Wishes to leave the REAM: No

Backstory: Gunnar snuck into the REAM to find his family. He has yet to find them, but has been in the REAM since the early days. He has since become accustomed to the REAM. He currently does odd jobs for the Observers, and searches for the whereabouts of his family. He is not on good terms with the military.

Edited by TheCalliton
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Name: Lilith

Bandit name: 'The Bandit Queen'

Height: 5'6ft

Weight: 70lbs

Hair color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Yellow


Gender: Female

Occupation: Leader of a Bandit Clan

Distinguishing marks: She is an Albino. A large tattoo of strange symbols that cover her right arm. Radioactive symbol on the back of her neck. She is exceptionally beautiful, taking pride in her looks.

Armor: A black chestplate of a strange black material, with many symbols and carvings. Over the top she wears a fur coat, with a large collar that spans shoulder to shoulder, with bones protruding from it (Like a cross between the Collar of Syl's dress from the shivering isles, and saviors hide from skyrim) She wears reinforced skintight leather trousers, and a pair of metal heeled boots. Her Armor is adorned with the odd barbed wire here and there.

Weapons: Two identical bronze handguns, adorned with barbed wire, and other oddities. A rapid fire smg, that is prone to pack in when she needs it, but responds to a quick hit. And a large dagger that rests in a sheath on her left leg, it is a curved and deadly weapon.

Attachments: Both handguns have a recoil suppressor. and a scope. And the SMG she carries has a detachable blade attached.

Affiliation: Bandits.

Mutations: Her strange glowing yellow eyes.

Special skills: An expert gunslinger, making any battle stylish with her acrobatic moves. Skilled gymnast. Excellent at persuasion, being well spoken and very literate.

Bad at: Tolerating weaklings. Dealing with her short temper. Keeping victims alive in torture.

Reason for being in the REAM: Was already a bandit in the time before it was shut down, decided to stay in and take advantage of the situation.

Wants to leave the REAM: No, Never.

Backstory: Lilith was an excellent combatant, taking on anyone who got in her way, she murdered and cheated her way to the top of the bandit chain, and is referred to by her clan as 'The Bandit Queen'. She is not on good terms with the Military, and Disrupts observer activity when she feels it necessarily.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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First name: Joshua

Last name*: Evans

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 190lbs

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Occupation: Tank commander

Rank: 2nd lieutenant

Distinguishing marks*: Short cropped, but spiky hair. He has a long scar along his left forearm from combat in the Middle East,

Armor: Standard military gear.

Weapons (as of this report): 1. M4 Carbine). 2. Glock 17C. 3. Bowie knife. 4. Grenades. 5. M1A2SEP Abrams Tank. 6. Combat knife (black).

Attatchments* (in order of weapons): 1. Laser pointer, ACOG scope, M26 MASS Shotgun. 2. None. 3. none. 4. none. 5. Tank Urban Survival Kit, Reactive armor, Weapons:(120 mm L44 M256 smoothbore cannon, 2x M2 Browning mount, 2x M240 Machine guns(One pintel mount, one coaxial), 6. none.

Affiliation (if none, put loner): Military

Mutations positive*: none

Mutations negative (required if there is positive)*: none

Special skills (max 3): Leadership. Tactical knowledge, experience with both tanks and aircraft.

Bad at (minimum 2): Managing time, sniping.

Reason for being in the REAM*: Military Deployment to the REAM.

Wishes to leave the REAM: Yes.

Backstory: Joshua Evans was one of thousands deployed to the REAM with his tank and crew.

He was an experienced veteran in the Middle East, as well.


I hope a tank commander isn't too overpowered, but this was a character that I was saving for a modern day roleplay.

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