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Craftable dog armors... please?


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Hello awesome mod people!


This is my first time posting anything here so please excuse my naivety.


I would really like a mod that allowed me to craft various armors for the many available dog (or sabercat) followers available here on nexus and in the vanilla game. I would really love for Doge or Meeko to be in Dwarven armor that actually added an armor rating and not just aesthetics. (I was looking at Garm, but I can't leave him at my house. He just goes back to the temple in Whiterun)


I would love to help in the process and bug test with you or whatever you might need cooperation with

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Are you asking for dog armors for dogs added by mods or dogs in general? If you wish for armors for your dog followers added by mods then you're probably better off requesting this on the author's mod page.

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Great idea, I'd also like something like this for Sabrecats I know their is a mounted armor mod for the Big Cats but I was just looking for more customized for Sabcats without the saddle. The Huskies look great but with their own personalize armor would go along way to making them more intimadating companion.

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