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Stardew Valley

Mod Request or Coding assistance? - Brightness


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Hello everyone!

*I reposted this with a better header, but I don't know how to delete the last thread sorry.

I'm brand new to SDV and I have very sensitive eyes, the brightness is killing me.

I've noticed when I toggle in and out of the game it automatically adjusts my screen brightness and I can't seem to find a resolution on any forums.

I believe this could be a great mod to add in as just a .config file. maybe even have a slider on the setting menu it we get creative enough...

If a modder is willing to put the work in you would have some serious gratitude and good karma for sure.

However if you know how to change this or at least know the code I need to look for, please let me know and I can attempt it myself as this game and community is already taking my heart and I don't want this to be the reason I can't play.

***Thank you, sorry for grammar mistakes***

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