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water splashes very bright at night


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water splashes very bright at night, its the tiny splashes against rocks but with enb and nlva it looks like small sparks in the water at night very distracting. I don't know if the darker nights exacerbate it, or if its a particle problem, or an enb prob as removing enb removes the problem. the rest of the river looks great thanks to the particles patch but these midnight sparklers bug me

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My first advice would have been to install the Skyrim particle patch (http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1499). But since you said, that you already did that, it's probably an issue with somewhat "extreme" settings in your ENB preset.


While in game, open the ENB config menu (standard: shift - enter). Go to the tab for "enbseries.ini" (standard lower left side), search for "particle". Lower particle intensity at night (don't know the exact name of the variable, but the names are pretty much self-explanatory). Reduce this value to turn the splashes (and also waterfalls and the like) down. You may also increase the lighting influence on particles at night. Play around with these values, until you got the look you want.


If the "particle" variables don't change the appearance of splashes, it's a problem with a mesh not compatible with ENB. In this case, reinstall the Particle Patch or (re)install an ENB compatible water mod.

Edited by Algabar
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