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Horse Racing Competition


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Some horse races where you win cooler looking horses.

Maybe a Deadric horse of fire.

Maybe the new horses have different strength and weaknesses like extra stamina, extra damage resistance, faster top speed, faster acceleration, faster stamina regen.

Maybe special horse shoes that make the horses attack stronger against random enemies like wolves.

Maybe horse armor? Horse Travel bag for extra storage?



I worry racing down undiscovered roads with potential quest npc spawning nearby could cause problems.

So I think maybe teleporting to a new similar world space scaled down to just whats needed for the racing tracks might be a better alternative.

1 for each hold then maybe a big final race.


hazzards: stuff to jump over, random attacks, collapsing bridges, mud that slows you down, thorn spikes on the sides of the road that hurt your horse, caravan crossings

powerups: sugar cube that replenishes stamina.

Edited by Client5
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