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Need help. don't know what to do.


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So my game is being very odd, I was hitting my 12 hour mark on a new, heavily modded, play-through. when my short cut keys and most other functions stopped working. Swapping between first / third person. buttons 1-5 with weapons assigned to the and ect. So far I haven't found anyone else having this issue and have even tried a few other fixes in the INI files yet nothing worked. SO, I uninstalled all my mods thinking "This'll fix it." Dead wrong, same issues happen even in a normal unmodded game. so then I thought okay it might be my keyboard. Nope, I tried an different one and same issues. then I tried re-installing my entire game as in I went and found all files relating to Fallout 4 and deleted them. Still nothing. I'm stuck and could use some real help here, the odd thing is most basic stuff works. I can jump, shoot reload and open inventory ect . . . but other things like going into build mode / changing camera wont work. HELP PLEASE!

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