icecreamassassin Posted March 26, 2017 Author Share Posted March 26, 2017 Well this is disheartening, I just used the "fixed" script and it ran at 5:39 I am going to go back to my revised version of your original and see what it runs at now with the same setup. Here is what I ran on that 5:39 test DBM_PrepStationScript2 Scriptname DBM_PrepStationScript2 extends DBM_PrepStationScript2Extender ; ObjectReference{rewritten by ReDragon 2017, original by iceCreamAssassin};; Purpose: "This script basically checks to see if references on various fomlists are enabled and; if not checks if a player has an item on a matching list index and then goes about 'displaying the item'."; Issue: ".. there are so many lists and items on these lists that the while loop setup; really slows things down and it can take up to 3 minutes to run the whole thing."; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quest PROPERTY DBM_GuidebookHandler auto Message PROPERTY SortMsg auto GlobalVariable PROPERTY DBM_SortWait auto Actor PROPERTY PlayerRef auto ; DO NOT USE !!! ;FormList ITEMLIST ;FormList DISPLAYLIST ;ObjectReference O ;Form f ;Weapon M ;Armor N ;Int Index ;Int Index2 Bool bArmoryDone ; added by ReDragon; -- FUNCTION --;/ *** older version ***;------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION ArmorySort(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList = None);------------------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer(); Note: "ItemList == DisplayList" form fm objectReference oRef objectReference asRef = ArmorySafe ItemList = DisplayListfloat f = 0 ; (0) init variablesint i = DisplayList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1;;; oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as ObjectReference;;; IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) ; missing in original !!! IF (!fm) || Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (asRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) form fmBase = oRef.GetBaseObject() ; store the baseobject IF (fmBase as Weapon) || (fmBase as Armor) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, asRef) f = f + 1 oRef.Enable() ENDIF ENDIF;;; ENDIFENDWHILE myF_UpdateGlobal(f)ENDFUNCTION*** /;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION ArmorySort(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList = None) ; older version was not good enough;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" is Game.GetPlayer(), see OnUpdateGameTime(); Note: "ItemList == DisplayList" form fm objectReference oRef;;; objectReference asRef = ArmorySafe;;; ItemList = DisplayListfloat f = 0 ; (0) init variablesint i = DisplayList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as ObjectReference IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() fm = oRef as Form ; == ItemList.GetAt(i) IF Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || (ArmorySafe.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm);;; form fmBase = oRef.GetBaseObject() ; store the baseobject;;; IF (fmBase as Weapon) || (fmBase as Armor) IF (fm as Weapon) || (fm as Armor) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, ArmorySafe) f = f + 1 oRef.Enable() ENDIF ENDIF ENDIFENDWHILE myF_UpdateGlobal(f) ; see parent scriptENDFUNCTION; -- EVENTs -- "Busy" + "ready";=========================================================state busy;=========EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference actionRef)IF (actionRef == PlayerRef)ELSE RETURN ; - STOP - not the playerENDIF;--------------------- Debug.MessageBox("Please wait.. until sorting operation is completed!")ENDEVENTEVENT OnUpdateGameTime() ArmorySafe.BlockActivation(TRUE); -------------------------- Utility.Wait(0.1) actor aRef = Game.GetPlayer() ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryIron);;; ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_Armory.GetAt(0)) ; see parent script "DBM_PrepStationScript2Extender.psc" for optimization;;; ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryList[0]) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmorySteel);;; ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_Armory.GetAt(1)) ; variant 1: one formlist for 16;;; ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryList[1]) ; variant 2: one array which contains 16 formlists (my favorite) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryNordic) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryElven) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryGlass) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryOrcish) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryDwarven) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryEbony) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryDaedric) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryDragon) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryFalmer) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryForsworn) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryBlades) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryAncientNord) ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryDawnguard) ; DLC1 required ArmorySort(aRef, DBM_ArmoryStalhrim) ; DLC2 required; -------------------------- ArmorySafe.BlockActivation(False) bArmoryDone = TRUE Debug.Notification("Armory sorting done!") ; ***ENDEVENT;=======endState;=========================================================auto state ready;===============EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference actionRef)IF (actionRef == PlayerRef)ELSE RETURN ; - STOP - not the playerENDIF myF_Test(actionRef as Actor) ;---------------------IF DBM_SortWait.GetValue() == 1 Debug.MessageBox("You must wait for the current sorting operation to complete before removing displays") RETURN ; - STOP - I am busy while sorting!ENDIF;---------------------IF (SortMsg.Show() == 1) RETURN ; - STOP - cancel, no sortingENDIF;===================== if SortBtn == 0 ; Sort all display items gotostate("busy") ; ### STATE ### DBM_SortWait.SetValue(1) Debug.Notification("All items being displayed, this will take a while.."); ##################### bArmoryDone = False RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(0.0) ; armory sorting not sequential, let it run parallel with another thread; ######################################; ****************************************************************;;; SortGroup(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList); ****************************************************************; JEWELRY SORTING SortJewelry(PlayerRef, DBM_JewelryUnique, DBM_JewelryUnique, JewelryCase, JewelryDisplays); MAIN MUSEUM SortGroup(PlayerRef, DisplayActivators, DisplayItems) ; edited; UPPER GALLERY SortGroup(PlayerRef, UpperDisplays, UpperItems) ; edited Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 1") ; ***; ------------------; DAEDRIC GALLERY SortGroup(PlayerRef, DBM_DaedricDisplays, DBM_DaedricItems); HALL OF LOST EMPIRES SortGroup(PlayerRef, DBM_HOLEDisplays, DBM_HOLEItems); HALL OF SECRETS SortGroup(PlayerRef, DBM_HOSDisplays, DBM_HOSItems); HALL OF ODDITIES SortGroup(PlayerRef, OddityDisplays, OddityItems) Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 2") ; ***; ------------------; LIBRARY SORTING SortBooks(PlayerRef, DBM_BCSDisplays, DBM_BCSItems); ####################################### see event OnUpdateGameTime();; ARMORY; ArmorySafe.BlockActivation(TRUE);; ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryIron); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmorySteel); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryNordic); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryElven); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryGlass); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryOrcish); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryDwarven); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryStalhrim) ; DLC2 required; ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryEbony); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryDaedric); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryDragon); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryDawnguard) ; DLC1 required; ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryFalmer); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryForsworn); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryBlades); ArmorySort(PlayerRef, DBM_ArmoryAncientNord);; ArmorySafe.BlockActivation(False);; end of ARMORY; ##############################################; GEMSTONE DISPLAYS SortGroup(PlayerRef, GemstoneDisplays, Gemstonelist); SHELL DISPLAYS SortGroup(PlayerRef, ShellDisplays, ShellList) Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 3") ; ***; ------------------; ***************************************************************************;;; myF_SortByMOD(String s, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList, Int n=0); ***************************************************************************; n = 0 --> SortGroup(); n = 1 --> SortJewelry(); n = 2 --> SortJewelry2(); n = 3 --> SortScales(); n = 4 --> SortBooks(); ElementalDragons myF_SortByMOD("Elemental_Dragons.esp", DBM_EDDisplays, DBM_EDItems, 3) ; // SortScales(); AMULETS OF SKYRIM SORTING myF_SortByMOD("SL01AmuletsSkyrim.esp", DBM_AOSCaseList, DBM_AOSCaseList, 2) ; // SortJewelry2(); SUT COLLECTION myF_SortByMOD("SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp", DBM_UTDisplays, DBM_UTItems) ; // SortGroup() 0 by Default; TROPHY HEADS myF_SortByMOD("BGTrophyHeads.esp", DBM_HeadsDisplays, DBM_HeadsItems); JAR COLLECTION myF_SortByMOD("BadGremlinsJarHunt.esp", DBM_JarDisplays, DBM_JarItems) Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 4") ; ***; ------------------; AETHERIUM COLLECTION myF_SortByMOD("AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp", DBM_AetherealDisplays, DBM_AetherealItems); MORE INTERESTING LOOT myF_SortByMOD("More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp", DBM_MILDisplays, DBM_MILItems); CAPTURED FAIRIES myF_SortByMOD("BGTheCapturedFairies.esp", DBM_FairyDisplays, DBM_FairyItems); MAD MASKER myF_SortByMOD("TheMadMasker.esp", DBM_MadMaskerDisplays, DBM_MadMaskerItems); FISH DISPLAYS myF_SortByMOD("BGSomethingFishy.esp", DBM_FishDisplays, DBM_FishItems); HELGEN myF_SortByMOD("Helgen Reborn.esp", DBM_HelgenDisplays, DBM_HelgenItems) Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 5") ; ***; ------------------; GrayCowl myF_SortByMOD("Gray Fox Cowl.esm", DBM_GrayCowlDisplays, DBM_GrayCowlItems) ; ESM-file; WYRMSTOOTH myF_SortByMOD("Wyrmstooth.esp", DBM_WyrmstoothDisplays, DBM_WyrmstoothItems); FALSKAAR myF_SortByMOD("Falskaar.esm", DBM_FalskaarDisplays, DBM_FalskaarItems) ; ESM-file; WHEELS OF LULL myF_SortByMOD("WheelsOfLull.esp", DBM_LullDisplaysList, DBM_LullItems); MOON AND STAR myF_SortByMOD("Moonandstar_MAS.esp", DBM_MASDisplays, DBM_MASItems); IWIA myF_SortByMOD("Immersive Weapons.esp", DBM_IWIADisplays, DBM_IWIAItems) myF_SortByMOD("Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp", DBM_IWIADisplays, DBM_IWIAItems) Debug.Notification("Still sorting displays 6") ; ***; ------------------; KA displays myF_SortByMOD("Konahrik_Accoutrements.esp", DBM_KADisplays, DBM_KAItems); AOB Displays myF_SortByMOD("ArtifactsOfBoethiah.esp", DBM_AOBDisplays, DBM_AOBItems); Oblivion artifacts Displays myF_SortByMOD("escutcheonredwave.esp", DBM_OAPDisplays, DBM_OAPItems); Skyrim Underground myF_SortByMOD("akskyrimunderground.esp", DBM_SUGDisplays, DBM_SUGItems); Royal Armory myF_SortByMOD("PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp", DBM_RADisplays, DBM_RAItems) ; SortGroup();---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( !bArmoryDone ) ; (bArmoryDone == False) Debug.Notification("Sorting of displays done.. waiting for armory") ; *** ENDIF WHILE (!bArmoryDone) Utility.Wait(0.25) ; We are waiting for armory!! ENDWHILE; ---------------------- Debug.Messagebox("Done! All items displayed..") ; *** END *** DBM_GuidebookHandler.SetStage(10) ; update quest stages IF DBM_Utils.GetSharingEnabled() SendModEvent("DBM_Message", "DoFullScan") ENDIF DBM_SortWait.SetValue(0) gotoState("ready") ; ### STATE ###ENDEVENT;=======endState DBM_PrepStationScript2Extender Scriptname DBM_PrepStationScript2Extender extends ObjectReference{written by ReDragon 2017, parent of "DBM_PrepStationScript2"}; contains outsourced Functions and Properties; GlobalVariable PROPERTY DBM_DisplayMAX auto; Do you need all three scripts here, not only one for the object? (ReDragon); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; answer: ? DBM_JewelryDisplayScript PROPERTY ScaleDisplays auto DBM_JewelryDisplayScript PROPERTY JewelryDisplays auto DBM_JewelryDisplayScript PROPERTY JewelryDisplays2 auto; How many objects have that script attached? (ReDragon); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; answer: ? ObjectReference PROPERTY DisplaySafe auto ; SortGroup() ObjectReference PROPERTY DisplaySafe2 auto ; SortBooks() ObjectReference PROPERTY ArmorySafe auto ; ArmorySort() ObjectReference PROPERTY JewelryCase auto ; SortJewelry() ObjectReference PROPERTY JewelryCase2 auto ; SortJewelry2() ObjectReference PROPERTY ScaleCase auto ; SortScales(); -- FUNCTIONs -- 2 + 2 + 4 = 8;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION myF_SortByMOD(String s, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList, Int n=0) ; helper;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; s = "ModName.esp"; n = 0 --> SortGroup(); n = 1 --> SortJewelry(); n = 2 --> SortJewelry2(); n = 3 --> SortScales(); n = 4 --> SortBooks()IF (Game.GetModByName(s) == 255) ; SKSE required;; Debug.Trace(self+" Mod: " +s+ " not found!") RETURN ; - STOP - mod not foundENDIF;--------------------- IF (n == 0) SortGroup(Game.GetPlayer(), DisplayList, ItemList) ELSEIF (n == 1) SortJewelry(Game.GetPlayer(), DisplayList, ItemList, JewelryCase, JewelryDisplays) ELSEIF (n == 2) SortJewelry2(Game.GetPlayer(), DisplayList, ItemList, JewelryCase2, JewelryDisplays2) ELSEIF (n == 3) SortScales(Game.GetPlayer(), DisplayList, ItemList, ScaleCase, ScaleDisplays) ELSEIF (n == 4) SortBooks(Game.GetPlayer(), DisplayList, ItemList) ENDIF ENDFUNCTION;---------------------------------FUNCTION myF_UpdateGlobal(Float f) ; helper;--------------------------------- f = f + DBM_DisplayMax.GetValue() DBM_DisplayMax.SetValue(f) ; set globalVarENDFUNCTION;----------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION SortGroup(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList);----------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer() form fm objectReference oRef objectReference dsRef = DisplaySafefloat f = 0 ; (0) init variablesint i = DisplayList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as ObjectReference ; (1) get the object Ref IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() ; (2) is it valid and currently disabled fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) ; (3) get the item now IF (!fm) || Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (dsRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE: "Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm)" ; ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, dsRef) ; (4) object is disabled, move it to DisplaySafe f = f + 1 oRef.Enable() ; (5) enable it ENDIF ENDIFENDWHILE myF_UpdateGlobal(f) ; (6) update globalVarENDFUNCTION;----------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION SortBooks(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList);----------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer() form fm objectReference oRef objectReference ds2Ref = DisplaySafe2float f = 0 ; (0) init variablesint i = DisplayList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as ObjectReference IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) IF (!fm) || Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (ds2Ref.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, ds2Ref) f = f + 1 oRef.Enable() ENDIF ENDIFENDWHILE myF_UpdateGlobal(f)ENDFUNCTION;-------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION Sort_SubList(Actor aRef, Form fmL, ObjectReference caseRef) ; helper for the next three functions;-------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer(); "caseRef" is property ScaleCase, JewelryCase or JewelryCase2;;; formList Sublist = fmL as FormList form fmint i = (fmL as FormList).GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 fm = (fmL as FormList).GetAt(i) IF (fm as Armor) IF Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (caseRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, caseRef) ENDIF ENDIFENDWHILEENDFUNCTION;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION SortScales(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList, ObjectReference scRef, DBM_JewelryDisplayScript ps);---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer(); "scRef" is property ScaleCase; "ps" is property ScaleDisplays form fm;;; objectReference oRefint i = ItemList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1;;; oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as Objectreference ; missing in original !!!;;; IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() ; missing in original !!! fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) IF (fm as Armor) IF Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (scRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, scRef) ENDIF ELSEIF (fm as FormList) Sort_SubList(aRef, fm, scRef) ENDIF;;; ENDIFENDWHILE; ScaleDisplays ps.ResetDisplay() ; How much time consume these both functions? ps.UpdateDisplay()ENDFUNCTION;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION myF_Test(Actor aRef);---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; do nothingENDFUNCTION;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION SortJewelry(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList, ObjectReference jcRef, DBM_JewelryDisplayScript ps);----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer(); "scRef" is property JewelryCase; "ps" is property JewelryDisplays form fm;;; objectReference oRefint i = ItemList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1;;; oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as Objectreference ; missing in original !!!;;; IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() ; missing in original !!! fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) IF (fm as Armor) IF Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (jcRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, jcRef) ENDIF ELSEIF (fm as FormList) Sort_SubList(aRef, fm, jcRef) ENDIF;;; ENDIFENDWHILE; JewelryDisplays ps.ResetDisplay() ps.UpdateDisplay()ENDFUNCTION;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION SortJewelry2(Actor aRef, FormList DisplayList, FormList ItemList, ObjectReference jc2Ref, DBM_JewelryDisplayScript ps);------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; "aRef" should be actionRef, which is Game.GetPlayer(); "scRef" is property JewelryCase2; "ps" is property JewelryDisplays2 form fm;;; objectReference oRefint i = ItemList.GetSize()WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1;;; oRef = DisplayList.GetAt(i) as Objectreference ; missing in original !!!;;; IF (oRef) && oRef.IsDisabled() ; missing in original !!! fm = ItemList.GetAt(i) IF (fm as Armor) IF Game.IsObjectFavorited(fm) || DBM_ExcludeList.HasForm(fm) || (jc2Ref.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) ; do nothing // SKSE required ELSEIF (aRef.GetItemCount(fm) > 0) && !aRef.IsEquipped(fm) aRef.RemoveItem(fm, 1, TRUE, jc2Ref) ENDIF ELSEIF (fm as FormList) Sort_SubList(aRef, fm, jc2Ref) ENDIF;;; ENDIFENDWHILE; JewelryDisplays2 ps.ResetDisplay() ps.UpdateDisplay()ENDFUNCTION;###################################################################;### FormLists ###;#################FormList Property DBM_ExcludeList AutoFormList Property DisplayActivators AutoFormList Property DisplayItems AutoFormList Property DBM_DaedricDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_DaedricItems AutoFormList Property OddityDisplays AutoFormList Property OddityItems AutoFormList Property DBM_HOLEDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_HOLEItems AutoFormList Property DBM_HOSDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_HOSItems AutoFormList Property DBM_BCSDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_BCSItems AutoFormList Property DBM_UTDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_UTItems AutoFormList Property DBM_KADisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_KAItems AutoFormList Property DBM_JARDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_JARItems AutoFormList Property DBM_AetherealDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_AetherealItems AutoFormList Property DBM_MILDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_MILItems AutoFormList Property DBM_FairyDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_FairyItems AutoFormList Property DBM_MadMaskerDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_MadMaskerItems AutoFormList Property DBM_HelgenDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_HelgenItems AutoFormList Property DBM_GrayCowlDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_GrayCowlItems AutoFormList Property DBM_WyrmstoothDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_WyrmstoothItems AutoFormList Property DBM_FalskaarDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_FalskaarItems AutoFormList Property DBM_LullDisplaysList AutoFormList Property DBM_LullItems AutoFormList Property DBM_HeadsDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_HeadsItems AutoFormList Property UpperDisplays AutoFormList Property UpperItems AutoFormList Property GemstoneDisplays AutoFormList Property GemstoneList AutoFormList Property ShellDisplays AutoFormList Property ShellList AutoFormList Property DBM_FishDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_FishItems AutoFormList Property DBM_IWIADisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_IWIAItems AutoFormList Property DBM_JewelryUnique AutoFormList Property DBM_MASItems AutoFormList Property DBM_MASDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_AOBItems AutoFormList Property DBM_AOBDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_OAPItems AutoFormList Property DBM_OAPDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_SUGItems AutoFormList Property DBM_SUGDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_RAItems AutoFormList Property DBM_RADisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_EDItems AutoFormList Property DBM_EDDisplays AutoFormList Property DBM_AOSCaseList Auto;-------------------------------------------------;;; FormList PROPERTY DBM_Armory auto ; variant 1: Try to use 1 armory formlist instead of 16!; DBM_Armory.GetAt(0) = DBM_ArmoryIron; DBM_Armory.GetAt(1) = DBM_ArmorySteel; ...; DBM_Armory.GetAt(13)= DBM_ArmoryAncientNord;;; FormList[] PROPERTY DBM_ArmoryList auto ; variant 2: Try to use 1 armory array instead of 16 formlist properties!!; DBM_ArmoryList[0] = DBM_ArmoryIron; DBM_ArmoryList[1] = DBM_ArmorySteel; ...; DBM_ArmoryList[13]= DBM_ArmoryAncientNordFormList Property DBM_ArmoryIron Auto ; 16xFormList Property DBM_ArmorySteel AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryNordic AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryElven AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryGlass AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryOrcish AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryDwarven AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryEbony AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryDaedric AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryDragon AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryFalmer AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryBlades AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryForsworn AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryAncientNord AutoFormList Property DBM_ArmoryDawnguard Auto ; DLC1FormList Property DBM_ArmoryStalhrim Auto ; DLC2 I do not attach the extender script at all and fill all the properties in the child script of course. EDIT: Ok, the first version I reworked came in at 5:08 so must be a general slowdown on my PC at the moment for some reason compared to the other day when I had it just over 4:00... guess I'll keep fiddling with it and see what I could do. Thanks for the help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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