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Duplication of Nexus mods on DB?


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Started adding Mods to Skyrim SE and noticed a duplication of mod download entries on the database. Is this a "feature" of the database or something else? Is this an issue when selection a mod to download or does it not matter? Below is an example of what I am referring to:



Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek
Skyrim » Models and Textures

Added: 10/02/2012 - 06:24AM

Updated: 17/11/2016 - 02:40AM

180,743 Endorsements

2.04 Latest version

1,844,032 Unique D/Ls

6,822,280 Total D/Ls

12,536,918 Total Views



Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek
Skyrim Special Edition » Models and Textures

Added: 29/10/2016 - 04:21AM

Updated: 28/11/2016 - 08:08PM

21,050 Endorsements

2.04 Latest version

321,988 Unique D/Ls

880,859 Total D/Ls

1,193,930 Total Views

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You are seeing mods that were developed for the original version of Skyrim, that have been converted to work in Special Edition and posted in that section but with the same title as the old one. Not all mods have been converted, so not all mods appear in both sections. In general, although the title and description might looks similar, the files will be different internally.


If you are developing new mods using the SSE CK, you should post them in the SSE section and not the Skyrim section because players of Oldrim can't use them.

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