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Better Spell Learning Traslation....


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[italian] Intanto un saluto a tutti i modder del sito :cool:, desideravo sapere se ci fosse qualcuno disposto ad eseguire la traduzione in per adesso in Italiano (anche in altre lingue per chi lo volesse) della Mod "Better Spell Learning " by scientic, la quale avendola provata mi sembra una mod immersiva ben pensata e che potrebbe diventare ancora migliore. ringrazio in Anticipo :cool: :cool:




[English] Meanwhile, a greeting to all the modders of the site :cool: , wanted to know if there was someone willing to do the translation for now in Italian (also in other languages ââfor those who wish) of Mod "Better Spell Learning " by scientic, the which having tried it seems a well thought out and immersive mod that could become even better. Thank you in advance :cool: :cool:

Edited by Samuelg1992
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