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ExpandSystemMemoryX64 DoF issue


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hi. sorry for reposting, but previous topic title was just stupid... so the problem is whenever i set ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to TRUE this happens :








whenever lookin at water everything else is blurry. and reverse. even from long distances like this :





but setting ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to TRUE is a tremendous fps boost. is there ANY way i can prevent this dof bug without turning ExpandSystemMemoryX64 off ? using NLA, but with Rudy ENB's DoF in enbseries folder. tryed switching back to NLA's own DoF but it didnt help. it only happens when ExpandSystemMemoryX64 is true otherwise both DoF settings are fine.

Edited by sadra33060
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You can try to disable Depth of Field altogether in your Skyrimprefs.ini:

Under [imagespace], search for this line:

Change the "1" to "0". This SHOULD disable Skyrims built in DoF effect. Maybe it helps.


Another possible "solution" would be to actually use an ENB preset. But that's probably not what you want...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry that I didn't respond. Problem is I never encountered this bug and I have no idea, what really causes it. TBH, I always play with "expandsystemmemory64=false". Setting it to "true" is incompatible with my memory setup in SKSE, also "Crash fixes" doesn't seem to like it.


As I said, not really any ideas on my side. Only thing that came to my mind: You can try out different ENB binaries. If it works better, there's nothing wrong with reverting to a previous build like for example something in the 2.9x series.

You can also try a different water mod. Just test it to further narrow down the causes of this issue.


My apologies for not being too helpful here. Maybe someone else knows more about this...

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